to those who care:
i was way stressed about the test the 1st time I took it. I do have a solid background in math and physics so that did help, but i am way out of the algebra and stuff found on the test. I went and got the gouge on here, (ASTB study guide), also compiled all of my textbooks from flying (Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical knowledge) and took notes on all of the chapters. Then studies nautical terms, and rules of the sea, from a book in the library. Also I bought three books of study guides: 1001 algebra word problems, some verbal study guides for the asvab, and the study guides for the military flight aptitude tests. After taking all of the tests in all of the respective books, I felt ready. I then retook all of the tests making sure that I not only knew the answers but exactly how to go about getting them, if for some reason, the set up was different on the real test. During all of this I kept a good tab on time, because time is precious during this test. I focused most of my time on the aviation/nautical section along with the spatial apperception part. Another thing that greatly helped in quick answers was making flashcards, I compiled like 200 flashcards of terms, formulas, etc. It seemed to really help to cut down on time. Good luck taking the test, and study hard. I didnt go out with friends on weekends for 3 weeks in preparation for this test.