how much for the ape?
The OAR is a score ranging from 20 to 80 and is supposed to be an indicator as to how well one will perform academically at OCS. It is based on a combination of the Math Skills Test, Reading Skills Test, and Mechanical Comprehension Test but the formula used to derive the scores is proprietary and not published for public consumption.
From http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/NAMI/astb/astbwebsitewriteup.htm
Minimum requirements for each program differ according to program and service. The following chart shows the distribution of OAR scores for all examinees taking the ASTB in one year. The green band shows that most examinees obtain scores between 40 and 60, while very few individuals obtain scores at the upper and lower extremes of the score range.
Examinee Distributions for OAR Scores (FY 04)
From http://www.nomi.med.navy.mil/NAMI/astb/astbwebsitewriteup.htm
Minimum requirements for each program differ according to program and service. The following chart shows the distribution of OAR scores for all examinees taking the ASTB in one year. The green band shows that most examinees obtain scores between 40 and 60, while very few individuals obtain scores at the upper and lower extremes of the score range.
Examinee Distributions for OAR Scores (FY 04)