Here is the BUPERSINST 1401.4E, which defines the minimum requirements to even submit an application.
You need hard science/math to even apply, but I'm sure they appreciate a range of disciplines other than engineering.
Here is the BUPERSINST 1401.4E, which defines the minimum requirements to even submit an application.
Is an engineering major required to be competitive? I know it's not a hard and fast requirement for TPS...
Can't remember her name, but when I was at JSC there was a woman 141 pilot that went through USAF TPS that was the first woman STS pilot and commander.
I like how becoming a "helo pilot" is after SWO and Sub Guy on the list....
No disrespect. We all have our preferences.
And just so you realize, it's an infinitely longer and harder road then anyone can ever explain in words.
That's her.Probably this one?:
This. I struggle to stay in the top 10% of Primary. I couldn't imagine being among the top 1% of all winged aviators, both academically and professionally.