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Atheist Soldier sues DoD

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"We lookin fo you. We gon find you!"
Nothing anyone says will convince anyone else that their belief system is the correct one. That said, I am a Christian. I don't walk around forcing others to pray with me, and it really even doesn't come up at work (a restaurant kitchen.) The only thing I can do is to attempt to live my life as an example to others in Christ's name. I think it was CS Lewis who once said, "Lead people to Christ....and if you must, use words."


Life is Gouda
Nothing anyone says will convince anyone else that their belief system is the correct one. ..."Lead people to Christ....and if you must, use words."

and yet you manage to contradict yourself.

I think the sooner we, the human race, will learn to keep our beliefs to ourselves and not "use words" to prosletyze or "convert" people, the sooner we will be able to live together mo' betta.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Um, I hope noöne here believes . . .
OK, that just wins you the "Most Anal-Retentive Grammar of the Month Award," despite mangling your ellipses.

That is the sort of analness up with which we should not put. :D


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
You know, for a place that tries to avoid talking about politics and religion, we sure talk a shit-ton about politics and religion ...


So what's broken on this jet today, Chief?
Admittedly, I've only been in the military for a couple of years, and haven't had much contact with the enlisted ranks, as I've been in flight school almost the whole time, but I've never seen anything that hints at this in the Navy. Besides, it's not something that I would think you could get away with suing the DoD over, since DoD policy would have to be somehow discriminatory in someway in order to have a valid suit against them wouldn't it? Otherwise you'd have to somehow get at the individuals who were discriminating against him.


Life is Gouda
I gotta say, the fact that this guy's suing for no compensation leads me to believe he has at least a bit of credibility. It's not like this is a "get rich quick" scheme suit.


Brett327 gargles ballsacks
I may have missed something in the article, but did he try his chain of command on this one? it says he was "assigned a bodyguard," whatever the hell that means...

When you're in injun country, don't you carry a weapon pretty much everywhere, even the chow hall? What's a bodyguard going to do that you can't already do?

I'm a skim first, ask questions later, then read again when someone points out my foolishness kind of guy. Feel free to point out idiocy on my part.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like the soldier was going through a spiritual crisis, became a malcontent, and is lashing out.

The incidents in the cnn.com story point to a lack of tolerance on his part toward those who still believe in God, not the other way around. Nobody is asking him to lead prayers. If he does not want to sit quietly and respectfully while others pray before meals or missions, then he is going to have problems. I often prayed before missions. Some joined me, others took that time to triple check gear or get a drink of water, or whatever.

I have been in the Navy for 12 years, and have NEVER witnessed an incident were religion was an issue.
You are putting so much into the news article that is just not there. Nowhere does it say he tries to make others renounce their faith or stop their prayers. It just says others harassed HIM for not participating. I don't see how his claim of harassment makes him a malcontent. Your instant opinion he must be doing something wrong is just the sort of attitude he is complaining about.

I had a similar situation with the Chaplain on TR way back when. The announcement right before taps was "All hands stand fast and bow your head for the evening prayer". When I was OOD I told the Bos'n to announce "All hands stand fast for the evening prayer". I did this after more than a few of my troops asked me about being instructed to bow their heads for a prayer they did not believe in or want to participate in. The Chaplain got pissed and took it to the Captain. The Captain sided with me and had the announcement changed to my version. I am neither an atheist nor a malcontent but I did agree instructing all hands to bow their heads was pushing religion on those that did not want it. I also believed it violated the separation of church and state. It is good that the military provides Chaplains for those that want to use them. It is bad when the military forces the use of Chaplains. Fortunately is is normally the first case and not the second. Standing fast is being respectful, the rest is pushing.

And for the record, I'm not an atheist. I believe in God and consider myself a Christian but I do not believe in organized religion.
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