I definitely didn't like 5. Now I have to take it again. My recruiter didn't tell me I would be taking all of the test. I did no studying for the Aviation part. I know nothing about plans except...........no nothing I know nothing. I felt like an idiot.
So back to the books again for me, this time I will be ready. My problem with the reading comprehension was that some of it was just boring. So just as quick as I was reading it, it was falling out my brain. :sleep_125
If you're not applying for SNA or SNFO (and I'm guessing you're not since you were surprised by the aviation part), the whole second half of the test doesn't really matter, though you still have to take it. Your OAR is what matters, and that comes from the first three sections: math, reading comprehension, and mechanical aptitude. You can study the aviation stuff if you just want to look good on that part, but I recommend focusing most of your attention on those first three sections.