Damnit, people... no attacking Iran!!
At least, not until I'm outta the RAG
Personally, I think we're all going to have to get used to the hard fact that Americans aren't going to stop dying until we've killed a lot more people in that part of the world. Iran hostage crisis, Marine Barracks in Beirut, Ghaddafi, gunboat battles against Iran, Gulf War I, Black Hawk Down, Khobar Towers, USS Cole...
There will be another chapter and another...
Iran isn't buying Silkworm missiles, Kilo attack submarines, and talking about nukes just to pad their resume. Sometime these guys are going to get smart again, and start talking to the Chinese, the North Koreans, al-Qaeda, the Syrians... and then we'll be in a whole world of sh!t...
But hey, thank god we have the Kerryites to whine at us that it's mean ol Bush's fault our forces are spread too thin! I mean, god forbid we ever increased defense spending or scouted out bad guys who call us the 'Great Satan'...