What percentage get LCS?
I've always heard that the cutoff is the first of the month. But as there are with all things ... there are most likely exceptions to this.
The real question is "where does it need to be submitted by the cutoff?" Does this mean you have completed your package and it is in the recruiter/processor's hands, it is off in Tennessee, it is fully processed through Tennessee? I'm not sure anyone knows that answer. My guess is that there really isn't a true cutoff date, that it "generally" takes the amount of time between the first of the month and when boards meet to make it through all the stages after you let go of the package.
I know, sorry, no help ... it ended up just being a dialogue with myself ... hah oh well
Hah. All well and good. I'm going to get those to her ASAP and if they make, then they do and if they do not, then they do not. Not much else you can do.
I have that and the fact that my age is 26 with a January birthday to worry about as well.
Talk about cutting it close...