So a little update on the hell that is my situation currently...
Basically, before I chose to go Pilot/NFO, i was a Nuke candidate. Didn't get selected to go down for interview, but had already had everything submitted for a TS clearance for it. Fast forward to now. Since I am now going Pilot, I had to get bumped down to a Secret clearance, or instead of an SSBI, I need a NACLAC now. Because all that time passed, my account expired and thats also why I had to get my prints redone.
So a letter was sent out at the beginning of this month that said, "If the following people do not have XXXXX finished/cleared up by the end of the month, they will be dropped from the program."
An OCS hitlist if you will...
Needless to say I had been asking my OR and Processor if there were any changes needed to my SF-86 and both said no. The reason for that was, for some reason, somewhere in the NASIS system there is a ghost account with my info that the CNRC IT dept. can't find and/or delete. No one can find it. This ghost is preventing me from submitting the new SF-86 with the new questions to JPAS so I can sign the sig pages and submit.
Fast Forward again to this week. I call my OR at the beginning of the week, actually, I went to visit him. And he called down and we again talked to guys at CNRC who assured us that this would all be fixed Friday (read: today). Fast forward to this morning. I call my OR and he explains the above situation with the ghost account. He said everyone in the office and himself and at CNRC have been working on this all morning and that this is no longer a waiting game and that everyone is being proactive about it. But he said unfortunately this "ghost" computer glitch is causing this entire problem. He said they called the Pilot Program Manager and have been speaking with him all morning as well about the situation and that he is well aware. I asked him what was going to happen now since the entire NRD (as most are) is on leave next week due to the holiday? MY OR then replied that this would absolutely not have any bearing for me to be dropped because of computer glitch in the system, which for the most part was good to hear. My OR then said he'd call me this afternoon to give me an update on what's happening.
Fast forward to a few hours later. My OR calls me and says that after talking to the Program Manager that he is going to write a letter on my behalf explaining what is happening and to just go ahead with the Final Selection process and that this would not affect my OCS date at all. I start to feel a little bit better. However, I haven't been assigned an OCS date yet and they're not sure when that will happen now.
So that is the limbo that I am in right now. Not gonna lie, this fucking sucks to know that a small glitch in NASIS is causing this big of an issue. I'm incredibly thankful for my OR though and the other officers who have been VERY proactive about getting this handled up to this point, along with the various other issues i've gone through in the past months.
So I have no clue when I'll class up or receive my FS letter to swear-in at this point. They said they are going to continue working to fix the problem, but that they are no longer going to just wait for it to be fixed, i.e. - keep delaying me here when I'm basically ready to go.
I guess we'll see what happens from here. The waiting is NOT the issue here. The issue with me is I have several things, financially and job-wise, that are on hold or will be running out soon and I need to get into a class ASAP.
That's the beginning of my weekend. Hopefully all of yours turn out better and congrats to those of you leaving in a week or so.