Welcome, supplyteacher, good to see another classmate! I assume from your user ID that you are going Supply Corps? Shannon and I are Supply, I believe one of our other classmates, j.roldan is going SWO Nuke, oneillb is SNA, and I believe Mr. Barnard1425 is Intel. So that's six of us. Not bad! If we have 30 people in the class, 20% of us already know/know of each other.
As far as PT goes, where are you at, fitness-wise, right now? Comfortable run distance/time? Pushups/situps numbers? Give some info, and we will be better able to point you in the right direction.
That being said, if you're in pretty decent shape already, I recommend Lt. Stew Smith's book, "The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness," (I sound like a commercial for this book lately on here ) and start with the "Beginner/Intermediate 4 week workout in the back of the book, then start the "12 Weeks to BUD/S workout. That's helped me immensely.
*edit* Just noticed that oneillb posted in the 8 July thread about being bumped up to that class as to be with more SNAs. Damn pilots.
As far as PT goes, where are you at, fitness-wise, right now? Comfortable run distance/time? Pushups/situps numbers? Give some info, and we will be better able to point you in the right direction.
That being said, if you're in pretty decent shape already, I recommend Lt. Stew Smith's book, "The Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness," (I sound like a commercial for this book lately on here ) and start with the "Beginner/Intermediate 4 week workout in the back of the book, then start the "12 Weeks to BUD/S workout. That's helped me immensely.
*edit* Just noticed that oneillb posted in the 8 July thread about being bumped up to that class as to be with more SNAs. Damn pilots.