Anyone else notice it's like pulling teeth to get someone to respond to you at the NRD.... I sent my processor an email twice asking me to update me on the status that he had recieved my email because I sent him all my extra additions I wanted to make sure gets added to MY package. I even followed up with, "please let me know you got my last email".. Like it shouldn't be an option to respond if you want to.. And I'm sick of people saying it's because they're busy...That excuse is old and doesn't hold a lot of weight. I'm busy too! I work 25 hrs at a stressful job, while taking summer school Engineering math classes for grad school, with 5-6 hrs of hw a night plus class time. I think it just comes down to, "eh.. I'll respond to the email when I get to it." Which is getting on my last nerves. It's their job to process us, and whether it is in the job description to communicate with us or not, it's in their best interest to communicate with the person they're processing. Anyone else annoyed with this whole process? This is my second time doing this and two years into it. The first time was hectic but at least my old processor made the effort to get in touch with me.
I put in the hard work of getting interviews and contacting my congressman and working hard for my additions to my package. I don't think I'm asking much for in a weeks time to respond to 1 of 2 emails.