@ Croakerfish - Marmoset is right. The Navy has its own formula for calculating GPA. If the credits earned to obtain your bachelor's degree is all the credits you have, then the GPA that you graduated with is what the board will see. If you have a master's degree, or additional classes that were taken after you received your degree, then the Navy has a formula that calculates the "worth" of the extra classes in comparison to what you had for your GPA. My situation is that I completed 1 out of 2 years of my master's degree, but decided not to finish it because I wanted to join the Navy (it's a long story, but I can explain it in PM if you really want me to). My old OR told me that those year's worth of classes wouldn't count towards my GPA because I didn't finish. However, after I transferred my kit to my new OR, I told him about my situation and he thought that what my old OR told me was completely stupid and wrong. He showed me the formula, we plugged the numbers in, and it brought my GPA up by a decent amount. My undergrad GPA was 2.8, but with the added value of the year of my master's, it was raised to a 3.09, which looks much better than the prior, in my opinion. My current recruiter is also helping one of his recruits by having him take some easy classes at a local community college, so he can raise his GPA a little bit.
This went on longer than I expected, but basically, any classes or coursework completed after you obtain your degree can still be factored into your "Navy cumulative" GPA. Hope that helps.
This went on longer than I expected, but basically, any classes or coursework completed after you obtain your degree can still be factored into your "Navy cumulative" GPA. Hope that helps.