Active Member
I'll be so pissed if there's a supply board in September and I miss that board too...
So for those who are selected during this board do you think they could expect the same class date timeframe as Stalin? Around February or March?
Chief,IDC Board results are out. I did not get selected. It would seem that all IDC billets for FY-12 (on the active side) are taken. Big Navy wants to save dollars by hiring folks for reservist slots. Seems pretty financially sound, actually.
IDC Board results are out. I did not get selected. It would seem that all IDC billets for FY-12 (on the active side) are taken. Big Navy wants to save dollars by hiring folks for reservist slots. Seems pretty financially sound, actually.
Paul, probably not. He is receiving his final select right now. If you are professionally recommended from this board, you still have to have your physical approved, among other things, to get your final select. That means, you could be waiting another month (absolutely best case scenario) to 3 months (more likely) all the way up to another year, depending on issues. Speculating your OCS report date right now is at best a shot in the dark.
I thought that most recruiters were recommending to get a physical done before the actual submission. Did anyone else already have their MEPS physical. I got mine all squared away from the Air Force and just had it transferred to the Navy so mine was already complete
My OAR was a 47. I originally scored a 44 when I was pro-rec'd for SWO. Had to study a bit to bring it up. But, while the OAR was a bit low, everything else was solid. The whole-person concept is utilized, so I wasn't too worried about the OAR. That is just one factor.
I was told that the INTEL community decided not to grant the age waiver (to age 42) that they normally would. Probably another cost-saving measure. That would mean my package never made it past the first look. Thier loss. It always stings to hear that you are "too old to lead".
Looking at my record of service, and the fact that I pro-rec'd in the past (denied again due to age), I'd challenge any one of those who actually got selected to compare thier package to mine. Guaranteed not many of them have an O8, O6x3, etc for interviews (with all 10's), as well as the evals, awards and warfare quals I have.
I got my final select SNA! I was a weird case, I was pro-rec'd last October and my conditional release to get out of the Army took forever. I was up for this board but they decided not to put it on the board due to the large number of applicants, and they went ahead and gave me my final select. OCS on Feb 12, 2012.... Good luck to everyone!
All of your other stats, minus the age, was why I inquired about your OAR. I know they use the whole-person concept, and that's why I was surprised about your non-selection. Sorry to hear they didn't grant you an age waiver to get you past the first look. I wish you the best of luck on your re-submission.