Own up to the fact that maybe you just weren't good enough this time around. If you truly want to be a Naval officer, there are other options for you, SWO, NFO, Supp-O. If you want to be a pilot, consider flying for the Army, their age requirements aren't as low as the Navy's. Explore your options, accept the blame, and move on with your life instead of living in the pity party.
Furthermore, grades aren't everything. Like some of the other people on this board, Sooner and AllAmerican . . . I had some shitty grades on my transcript, a few failures, and a low GPA (3.0 in a pretty damn easy subject). But you know what, I made my package stronger through volunteer work, community involvement, and leadership opportunities. I made myself out to be the best damn candidate for a Naval Officer in my motivational statement. My point is this. . .if your best wasn't good enough, get better.