selected SNA secondary alternate
3.2 GPA in Aerospace engineering/ 3.73 engineering GPA, see as a freshmen I thought it would be cool to get all C's. It's harder to recover from that than you might think.... Funny thing is I had a nice piece written up about how I worked nonstop freshmen year, let school slide and how I found the motivation to improve later on. I put that in the applicants remarks not my motivational and right before the OR and I sent it in, he didn't like it there and we outright deleted it. I definitely regret that, seeing as any little push could've helped.
Anyway I'm trying to figure this all out, based on whats posted above it sounds to me like the Navy doesn't have any Idea what their FY12 quotas will actually be, so they selected 85 to be safe, the primary alternates will be selected as the quota exceeds 85, and then once it has exhausted the extra 28 off the primary list, the secondary alternates will be pulled on a "First come first serve basis." Can anyone clarify exactly what that means? It sounds to me like they don't want to hold another board until their FY13 quota. Also does anyone know what the FY11 quota was so we can get a feel for numbers here? And lastly It said that "Naval Recruiting Command must receive all final selection documentation by 24OCT11." Seeing as how FY12 starts October 1st are they planning on having the quota all figured out and filled by the 24th? After that are the alternates declared null and if they need more we re-apply?
Based on the information, this is what I put together, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. "First come first serve" is really throwing me off here, if I have to call NRC every morning at 8AM and yell "FIRST" as loud as I can, that's what I'll do.