My OR called me earlier today to confirm what millsra said about the selection board, in that they are only accepting apps for pilot, supply, and some other engineering communities that I can't remember off the top of my head. He also told me that because of my age, my degree, and my GPA, that I should enlist and start putting together a package that way. Here are some quick stats about my package:
Age: 24 (25 in August)
Sex: M
Applying for: SNA pilot/NFO
ASTB scores: 6/7/6 55
Bachelor's Degree in Music Performance with a GPA of 2.83 (I know this doesn't count, but I completed 1 year of a 2 year master's program with a 3.7 GPA. I didn't finish because I decided to join the Navy.)
LORs: retired O-4 (former F-14 RIO), my applied teacher at my grad school, current and previous employers
Interviews: O-5 operations officer at my NRD (former Helo pilot), and a retired Vice Admiral
Extracurricular activies include playing for several orchestras in my community, school musical groups, churches, and cruise lines.
With regards to applying for pilot, my vision will definitely DQ me, so the only real option I have right now is NFO. There is also the option of getting PRK, but that of course includes the 6 month wait time that would most likely make me miss a selection board down the road, and will result in me becoming dangeriously close to being too old to apply for flight school.
From day 1, my recruiter has told me that my degree and GPA would be a problem, and that I should go back to college and get another degree with a higher GPA. I told him this wasn't possible because I didn't have 4 more years to spend in college. He told me straight up that he didn't think my package stood a chance of getting selected compared to the number and quality of other peoples' packages in the future. This whole time I've known that my package isn't nearly as impressive as some others, especially compared to some of the stats I've seen on here, but I never thought it was SO bad that it never stood a chance. After all, I've heard from friends and other people that they were selected with lesser stats, and they were approved and getting ready to go to OCS. Of course, I don't know how similar the situation was back then compared to now.
I guess I'm writing all of this to see what everyone else here thinks would be the best situation for me. I can sit here and say how it's been my childhood dream to be a pilot, and how I feel I'm qualified, but I won't go through all that. All I'll say is that I know I'm not stupid, I can learn anything anyone teaches me, and I have more drive to be a naval aviator than I've ever had for anything else in my life. Thanks everyone for all your help, and I sincerely hope that everyone on here gets a chance to do what they want to do.
Edit: I apologize if this post is against the intention of this thread, and if I should have posted it elsewhere. If it is, someone please let me know and I will gladly move it. Thanks.