Well, we're already in the process of a 'debt snowball' and paying off all of our debts, using only cash for purchases, etc. We'll be in good position to buy a Corvette or anything for that matter if we decide to, as our other vehicles will be nearly paid off and the rest of them within a year. We both are not the type to go off and spend wildly on 'ensign mobiles' and other wasteful expenditures, but we are successful hard workers and want to enjoy things after reaching accomplishments. I plan on paying for it with cash or at least with a hefty down payment, and driving it well beyond the time newer models come out. My first two vehicles had over 250k miles on them each, and my current truck I've put 100k in less than 3 years, so it's going to be well used - not just money wasted. As long as our debt is going away, my family is well provided and cared for, and our investments and IRA/Roth continues to progress and soon max out per year, it doesn't hurt to reward hard work once a decade or so.
And FYI, I'm kind of spoiled on the aviation side as my family owns over a dozen small to medium sized aircraft. I currently am working on my ratings, and we just finished the annual on one of our twins (an old school Piper Apache) and in progress on a Cherokee 140...I've also got a Cessna 150 and 152 to put back into the air if you're interested in rental/lease/purchase? I'm wanting the work anyways to finish up to take my IA written in between shooting for a PPL, Instrument and Multi in between now and July. Seriously, feel free to message or email me if you're in the market for a GA plane.