I am agreeing with my fellow Aeronautical Engineers. The correct answer is C.
Reasons other answers are wrong:
A. AOA vs. CL graph for symmetric airfoil has a point a 0,0 (Like stated earlier). To conceed points to the naysayers, yes there is a pressure distribution across the airfoil, however, lift is defined as "Lift consists of the sum of all the fluid dynamic forces on a body perpendicular to the direction of the external flow approaching that body." (from Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lift_(force) quickest site that could give me the answer). So since there are internal forces that cancel out, the Lift = 0 and Drag = (some number). So that nixes answer A.
B. Form Drag as stated here is caused on all surfaces by moving air. Thus nixing this answer.
D. Drag is some number, thus aerodynamic forces are not equal to 0. Say bye bye to this answer.
Reasoning of correct answer:
C. As stated before, induced drag is produced by Lift over an airfoil. Since there is no Lift (due to CL = 0 @ AOA = 0) there is no induced drag. Which yields the correct answer.
P.S. For further information please register yourself in a 4-year Aero Engineering Undergrad program, the above topic would probably be discussed in the first 2 years of your classes (For you fast learners out there maybe the first year, for others just keep going, you'll eventually get it.)