Well-Known Member
Fair enough. My ASTB scores were 7/6/8 OAR 61.
Oh My God, that score is HORRIBLE! Awful! Ouch! Yikes - hot coals hot coals!! Are you ok? Hang in there, this will pass. everything will be ok..
(good score btw)
Fair enough. My ASTB scores were 7/6/8 OAR 61.
Yeah I did get one with the Marine Corp but I am still just wanting to know my options and I was also curious as to how it worked in the Coast Guard. I'm doing this mainly because my dad wanted me to be in the Coast Guard alot more rather than the Marine Corp.
You'd be a fool to give up a pilot slot in any service, just because someone else wants you to be in another service-even more of a fool then you are for admitting you were a male cheerleader.