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Aviator Kind of Stuff

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Sky Pig Wrangler
Fly Navy said:
Interactive Courseware or something. We call them CAI here... Computer Aided Instruction. They are life-sucking computer lessons that will drain all energy out of you.

oh just wait till you get to the RAG

that's almost all there is :eek:


CAS Czar
Super Moderator
Our tactics shop was going ot automate all the fleet acadmics for our boots but we the instructors revolted and said we would put the time in to teach the classes and also get a feel for who the players were and who the dead weight was. Glad we arent going computerized that isnt waht aviation is about its about long classes tauhgt by old me with lots of sea stories and helpful advice on the tests. Oh and flying and beer too.


I thought that was the recline!
skidkid said:
Our tactics shop was going ot automate all the fleet acadmics for our boots but we the instructors revolted and said we would put the time in to teach the classes and also get a feel for who the players were and who the dead weight was. Glad we arent going computerized that isnt what aviation is about; its about long classes taught by old me with lots of sea stories and helpful advice on the tests. Oh and flying and beer too.

Hell yeah, I enthusiastically agree. If/when pigs fly and hell freezes over and I end up in the training pipeline, it better still be like that.


Helo Bubba
Punk said:
oh just wait till you get to the RAG

that's almost all there is :eek:

u have no idea... next week alone I have 20 to do. I know the Navy loves power point, but come on!


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Flew an F-14D from NKX into Davis Field about 30 miles SE of Tulsa, OK, for a static at an airshow. Tiny field but long enogh to land at and had the correct SE gear we needed.

We get there at dusk and flew around for 15 minutes trying to find the unlit field to land at...it was getting darker.

Got another 15 minutes of gas before we would have to divert to Tulsa.

We call them on their FBO radio asking for the runway lights and a very hick voice says..."Are you de Boys from Miramar?"...a pause..."Why yes we are"...

(remember the Gostbuster's line "If they ask you if you're a god, you say yes??...)

Click...the lights go on and we're right over the field. Never would have seen it without NVGs.

We land and follow the biggest man I've ever seen in the smallest follow me truck up to the air show static display area. He is literally oozing out the window he's so big.

He squeezes out the door of the tiny toyota pickup and ask us "Which one of you is de Boys?" ...we stand there with a dumb look and say "We're both de boys from Miramar"

At that point it hits me...my pilot's name was DeBaets...that's what he was trying to say in his thick oklahoma drawl....y'all. Just wanted to know who the pilot was.

So the joke for the weekend was..."We're De Boys from Miramar"

Airshow was good, lots of food, event parties, and a great free rental car.


damn homeowners' associations
skidkid said:
Is that old guy who taught T-34 systems at Corpus still there or did they replace him with a mcahine, he was a ncie guy.

Which old guy? You'll have to be specific as nearly all the Lockheed instructors are old. But the one who taught my systems class was nice.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I'm sure he means Bill Tinsley. That guy flew EVERYTHING. Or at least it seemed that way. One of the few retired guys working there that really enjoyed teaching SNAs.


Super Moderator
zab1001 said:
I'm sure he means Bill Tinsley. That guy flew EVERYTHING. Or at least it seemed that way. One of the few retired guys working there that really enjoyed teaching SNAs.

The Whiting old timers hate Mr Tinsley. They took one look at my first jet log and knew right away I was a Corpus dude. Mr Tinsley wasn't that bad but apparently the Whiting guys thing so, they want him fired! too funny

How about Mr Payne in the CC sim building!?!? During the brief you can't tell if he's looking at your or off in space, then I started to realize, ah hah, one eye is indeed looking at me and the other IS looking off in space. Anyone else notice that? God, the smell of that sim building......used to bring instant depression/hatred.


Well-Known Member
E5B said:
Anyone else notice that? God, the smell of that sim building......used to bring instant depression/hatred.

ah yes...i remember when i was checking out of the base...when i had to check out in the sim building that feeling of dread just came on back. As for Payne for some reason his advice was the only thing that really stuck in my head. Now Jeter was weird... i had him right after he blew his thumb off...i just couldnt look at him the same.
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Retired and starting that second career
Now for my Prowler X-cnty story:

Crew of 3 J.O's have to deliver a Prowler to the Grumman facility in St. Augustine, FL for rewinging.

The jet is due at Grumman at 0900 on Monday so we have to spend the weekend within a short distance. Answer - Pensacola.

Saturday launch O'dark thirty. Have to arrive at P'Cola by 1600.

Gorgeous VFR day down in L.A. (Lower Alabama) has Approach hands us off to tower. Overhead. At 10,000 feet.

#1, cleared for the carrier break (800' break, 600' pattern).

Now, here is the kicker. A Prowler is normally limited to 550 KIAS/.86 IMN with pods and/or drops. However, when the jets go to Grumman, we send them slick. And a slick Prowler's airspeed limit is LBA (Limited By Airframe :eek: ) which translated means as fast as the war pig can fly.

Squawk stby, throttles up, downhill from our overhead perch to the initial.

To protect the innocent, I won't divulge numbers, but suffice to say that we were a little wide abeam coming out of the break (~2.5 miles) and we didn't get slow enough for gear and flaps till the 90. :D

As for P'Cola, all I can remember is McGuire's, Sammy's and the Waffle House. :icon_drin But then, what else do you need.


Helo Bubba
cook was the awesome got that taught systems in CC. He was awesome. As far as not so awesome Lockheed guys go. Ferenbacher is the kind of the grumpy old bastards.

Road Program

Hangin' on by the static wicks
So there I was...after having a compressor stall I was a little leary about whether or not the plane would hold together as I limped back home. At 1k feet everything goes wrong. I mean EVERYTHING. Every annunciator comes on. Airspeed starts dropping as does the plane. 300' 20 degrees nose down I punch out over the water.

Gawd...what an awful sim that was. Believe it or not, the computer said I survived. Criminy, if my wrist would just hurry up and heal I'd be able to actually step into a real cockpit for the first time.


he will die without safety brief
bch said:
Ferenbacher is the kind of the grumpy old bastards.
Don't you mean CAPT Ferenbacher?

Farkin' crusty old dudes in the sim building... Glomb is the worst. Smells like old fried chicken, pretty sure he fell asleep during my sim.


SteveG75 said:
Deception Pass bridge ???????? :eek:

No way, Steverino .... that would have been "stupid" .... I did it in front of God and Country, the XO and CAG --- in fact the whole recovery deck while leading a flight into the break @ the ship @ warp overdrive ... i.e., ergo the phrase "the Fleet" .... and now I will pray for your NFO soul .....

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