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Back in the Day.....


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
On the second ever VF-1 and VF-2 F-14A cruise, we were FODing engines right and left. FOD walk-downs increased and procedures changed. But FODed engines continued. It was a mystery.

Finally the mystery was solved. Earlier in Cubi, being drenched by monsoon rains, water pooled inside the parked aircraft. Avionics when powered up were being fried. The solution for this new-to-the-fleet aircraft was to drill weep holes to drain water underneath the aircraft. But that unknowingly allowed the blind rivet heads that were contained in voids to now fall out onto the deck through these new weep holes. Little rivet heads that were easily sucked up while going to burner on the cat.

I forget how the problem was ultimately solved. But for a long while, we had to use speed tape to close the weep holes for flight, and take the tape off when not flying, but when it rained so water could drain.