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Badges ribbons etc..


Registered User
This is how understand it. Prior enlisted get to keep their ribbons and badges, sans service stripes right?

I know that they also get to keep their good cookie ribbon, but are their any they don't get to keep after getting commissioned?

Just some trivial question I had.



In fact, the only time you have to worry about things not transfering is if you are going Army/Air Force/USCG. Department of the Navy ribbons/medals are exactly that...

Just beatin' the dead horse...


Hangar Four
KBayDog said:
jamnww calling someone out for echoing a post? Now the circle is complete...

Different situations...I was clarifying and setting a different perspective (you may have misunderstood but that isn't my problem) and this individual said the EXACT same thing that the previous person said.

Edited - because I was being a jack@ss


Well-Known Member
jamnww said:
Different situations...I was clarifying and setting a different perspective (you may have misunderstood but that isn't my problem) and this individual said the EXACT same thing that the previous person said.

Besides, is my not posting so often more appeasing to you? Nevermind, I don't want to know...

No problem at all. It's good that you're clarifying and setting a different perspective for others. After all, you said it yourself - you "have been around these types of stories for a little while now and have a good understanding of how things work in the schools command."


Shut the F#%k up, dummy!
I am a prior Marine and am now an Ensign. Everything transferred except for my shooting badges which were converted into the Navy's pistol and rifle ribbons. Blows.


Livin the MEU life
Does any body know how to get a medal added to a DD214?

I was wondering if any of you guys know how to get a medal added to my DD 214. I am prior service Army and now on my way to PLC-192 this summer. The unit I was with was given the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. I was with one of the first units to respond to the pentagon on Sept 11 and worked in remains and debris recovery for another 8 weeks after (Better know as Operation Nobel Eagle). The medal was awarded on March 17 2004, but I ETSed from the Army on March 4 2004. (Established by order of the President on 17 MAR 2004, awarded to US Armed Forces personnel who have participated in or served in support of Global War on Terrorism operations on or after 11 SEP 2001 and to a date to be determined. Initial award of the GWOTSM will be limited to airport security operations (27 SEP 2001 through 31 MAY 2002) and personnel who supported Operations NOBLE EAGLE, ENDURING FREEDOM, and IRAQI FREEDOM. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks, Jzab


New Member
Well, if you're going to PLC you could just wait and have it done when you get commissioned. Just keep the paperwork showing where you were attached to that unit/participated in the operation.

If something happens and you don't get commissioned, or if you are just hell bent on having the medal on your DD 214, then I can't help you there.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Ribbons from other services

ChunksJR said:
In fact, the only time you have to worry about things not transfering is if you are going Army/Air Force/USCG. Department of the Navy ribbons/medals are exactly that...

Just beatin' the dead horse...

If your DD214 has your ribbons/medals documented, then you rate wearing them. If something got dropped, find a sharp yeoman chief to help get the paperwork straight.

I've seen plenty of prior enlisted and interservice transfers with their "salad" from other services. You can actually earn a medal/ribbon/badge from another service* or country (they go dead last).

*The color chart that lists them all gives you the precedence. As noted by prior post, Marine Marksmanship medals turn into funky blue/green ribbons with E, S or nothing.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I'm not sure you can technically get something added to a DD-214 after the fact. Heyjoe, I'm assuming you just mean "fix the glitch," and make it happen, but if a YN isn't willing, he may have the rules on his side. However, like Crowbar is saying, have it added to your service record when you're active again as a PLC.

I've had two DD-214s now, and the second one was a pain in the ass. How is it that NONE of my stuff got entered? As always, I blame the shoes.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
gatordev said:
I'm not sure you can technically get something added to a DD-214 after the fact. Heyjoe, I'm assuming you just mean "fix the glitch," and make it happen, but if a YN isn't willing, he may have the rules on his side. However, like Crowbar is saying, have it added to your service record when you're active again as a PLC.

I've had two DD-214s now, and the second one was a pain in the ass. How is it that NONE of my stuff got entered? As always, I blame the shoes.

LOL, it's always the shoes, isn't it?.....they suppressed the leather flight jacket and flight suit and brown shoes for decades (and killed aviation greens). But I digress. I had a yeoman chief (non blackshoe of course) that worked magic to get "losing" service to update DD 214. You're right, it can't be done by "gaining" service. It gets harder the longer it is after the fact and boils down to unit having the right records to pull to fix the discrepancy. Otherwise they pull a "too hard" or "hey, why go to trouble for a 'quitter' when we have our own folks to worry about".


Registered User
I believe there is a form to amend your DD-214 called the DD-215.

Your OSO or the VA office should be able to help you out with this.
