First of i DID use the search function....So i was just enlightened to the world of BAH from my dad and that its not included in basic by being frugal enough i can use my entire bah allotment without ever using out of pocket capital to live off base...right? When can one begin to use it, after OCS at TBS, pensacola for API, and so and so forth.... does it apply to single officers w/o dependants? Lets say i rent a room with a couple guys in p-cola do i still get my entire bah or is it adjusted since i'm not living solo? I'm just pretty stoked about the entire concept and would like a little rundown on how it works....also is it a check that comes separate from your basic pay and do you get it prior to moving into your pad or once you've moved in to the place, the place has been approved, etc? Sorry if this is a little redundant and run-on'ish.....