You're a Marine, dude. The squad bay is probably the best living the Corps will ever provide for you. You can pick from the Hotel Boeing like KBay said, the Huey Hilton, a 29palms BEQ room with 13 other aircrew, a cot outside because said BEQ was just a bit too cozy, a kerosene-dipped circus tent with no working ac in an Iraq summer (and you're on night crew) or same tent pissing rain water on you during a storm because it isn't weather proof. If you're really lucky, you'll be in an aircraft that has to RON after a Wednesday night gun shoot, and you'll go experience "Pigs in Spaaaaacce!!!" at the combined club.
However, you will realize that these still aren't the worst options out there, and every step of the way, you'll have brothers experiencing it with you, and despite the suck, you'll love it. Having re-read your last post, I saw you were enlisted, so I guess you probably have endured some shitty living. So for those who haven't...enjoy!
Pigs in space never disappoints.