...My point is, I think that the engineers and technical guys should be joining because they want to serve their country.
*sigh* They are.
Counter-argument. If their skills are worth more than yours, why should they work for the same amount of money? Incidentally, most military pilots would really struggle to find anything even close to the sweet deal they get flying for the armed services. Those jobs just aren't there in the private sector. And what there are, pay like shit, treat you like shit, and have a waiting list two miles long to work them. Trust me. I've got buddies who went both routes. The private pilots who put themselves through school are struggling to put food on the table. The military pilots are set. Their golden ticket was written to safeguard against poaching from the private sector, back when pilots would finish their initial obligation and leave to go make $150-200k a year (in 1990s money) working for an airline.
But I digress. That aside...
People join the service for all kinds of reasons. At the end of the day, you can't fill our armed forces with just people who "want to server their country, and don't give a crap about pay". There aren't that many patriotic, selfless SoBs out there. And the ones that are, burn out fast. Idealism doesn't pay the bills. To get the job done, you need to pay people a decent wage for their time. Or you're going to bleed talent. Considering the duration and expense of all military/defense training pipelines, turnover is something you really want to mitigate.
Personally, after a few years in the private sector I'm already making close to what I'd make as an O-1. With my experience and job prospects, I could probably do $5-10k a year better than a commissioned officer for at least the first few years, if not the first 20. And that's a conservative estimate.
For me, it's not about the pay in the sense that "zomg, I've got to make as much money as possible!" But I do need to be able to take care of business. I can tell you right now. If I didn't think I could provide for my future wife and family on a military salary, then I would not join.