Originally posted by Laxanation
Again, does anyone know....say I did take the BDCP option for Nuke...what is the point of my 4-year degree when I'll be sitting in school with kids just outta high school?
OK, I think the way you put it sounds very short-sided and a little arrogant, but I don't think you meant it to sound that way. Just because they're enlisted doesn't mean that they're less intelligent (no, you didn't say that), or just out of high school. I signed up for enlisted NUKE and by the time I was supposed to go (I did 1 year in the CASH program) I had 3 years of college, with 1 year of calc-based Physics and calculus (of course now I have the BS in Physics=). Also, some of those kids might not want to be an officer for whatever reason and also may not be able to afford college, since you have to have some college completed already for BDCP.
The differences for officers and enlisted NUKES is 1) the level of knowledge about the reactors (enlisted have a specialized job...mechanical, or electrical etc.); 2) since your job is management of the enlisted personnel, as well as overseeing the reactor, I would assert that you would need a more extensive knowledge of the reactor and the science behind it in addition to your management/officer skills; 3) you might be asked to teach some enlisted personnel someday, much like my current OPO who is a NUKE, so you need to know your stuff (which is why they get huge bonuses and awesome pay).
Those reasons and probably more are the differences between the enlisted and officer NUKES. Also, as far as the GPA goes for engineering and NUKES, if a designator is over-saturated with applicants, they have to increase the fine mesh...hence the higher GPA. NUKE probably has less applicants and, in my humble opinion, is probably much more rigorous and difficult during the school. Trust me, you're not going to have a 2.7 GPA and waltz in to play with a reactor. You're going to prove your knowledge and ability over and over until they are confident you can handle the responsibility. Also, a 2.7 GPA doesn't mean someone's unintelligent, maybe just unmotivated, or other circumstances. I would think a 2.7 in a technical field would be better than a 3.6 in underwater basket-weaving =)
OK, for the rest of my book please log onto www.amazon.com =)
Good luck,
www.jdroseberry.info (<--under construction)
BTW, now I'm going SNA and my OCS date is 18OCT03