If you are stuck on bonanzas, you should consider a Debonair. It's got the same engine, slightly different window configuration, and it was designed as an "Economy Bonanza" Also, a nice one can be had for about $60K Also, the Piper Commanche 250 shouln't overlooked. You can find a decent one in Trade-A-Plane for $60, cruises a legitimate 160kias,and seats 4. It's CG also alot less sensitive when you're packing it full of bags/kegs, whatever. It'll also be ALOT cheaper to insure.
On ownership, take it from one who has experienced ownership woes, there's alot more to consider than just loan payment and insurance.
Tie Downs/Hangar
Engine/Maint reserve(per hour)
Annual luxury tax/registration (depending on which state you're in)
Fuel/Oil (An O-470 burns about 14 gph at a median price of $.50/gal
Annual Inspections (pricey for a HP complex)
If you're only going to fly the plane a few hours a month, you'll be hard pressed to come out ahead of a rental. However, the more you fly it, you're actually reducing the per-hour costs, by capitolizing the fixed costs (i.e. hangar, insurance, taxes, etc)
I've done a few costs spread sheets for friends, and I think that while you're AD, you won't fly on your own as much as you think, nor will you have time to maintain the plane so annuals don't kill you. I think the recommendation for a fixed gear Piper was a wise one for a first-time owner set on purchasing his own plane.