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Berkley, Ca. our side


New Member
The news reported today that there will be a rally at city hall in downtown Berkley. This is supposed to be the biggest rally since the anti-war days of the 1960's, only this time it's in support of the USMC recruiters. The PEOPLE are sick of the city officials and are pissed that they sent a letter to the USMC telling them the recruiters are not welcome in the city. This rally is to support the troops and all branches of service.

YEA for our side!


How do you fly a Clipper?
I saw this on the news this morning. Apparently city officials now have reversed their stance and are trying to invite the Marine recruiters back into the city.

Good news but I wonder how much it has more to do with the threat of cutting federal funds to the city, rather than an actual change of heart.
All of it, they'll change their position again when they feel like they have the upper hand. The marines should continue doing their thing regardless of the vassilation of public opinion in Berkley. It's a shame that Berkeley turned into this given it had such strong Naval ties a long time ago.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Damn zealots. This whole issue makes me sick. I think that if the town kicks the USMC recruiters out if the city then they should lose GOVERNMENT funding. I'm curious how much longer before they try to kick the NROTC out of the University. I don't think they can do this because Berkley is a Land-Grant school.

-ea6bflyr ;)


New Member
According to the news at noon, the Berkeley City Counsel made a resolution basically kicking out the USMC recruiting station. There wasn't a problem until 4 months a go when "Code Pink" started to complain. Today's protesters are demanding an apology from the Berkeley City Counsel and a repeal of the resolution stating that they had no right to demand the removal of American citizens from US property. The rally will go until late and at 7 PM tonight the city counsel will be in session to determine what to do.

Of course the war haters say that the right wing can not go uncontested and will be there to support the city counsel with the right to do what they want to do. Our side said they can believe what they want, as that's their right, but it's not right to ban US citizens from the US.


New Member
Berkeley Cops refuse to help Patriots under assault in MLK Park.
This just sent to us from Catherine Moy of Move America Forward:

Berkeley erupted in violence Tuesday morning when the Communist, terrorist-supporting anti-war group crossed into Martin Luther King Park and assaulted pro-troop individuals. Riot police stood by, but did not stop the assaults.

Police agencies did not respond to calls for help.

Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, received permits from the City of Berkeley to hold a daylong demonstration in MLK park against the City Council who passed three outrageous resolutions calling U.S. Marines “unwanted intruders.”

“It is mayhem on here,” MAF communications director Danny Gonzalez said from the park early Tuesday morning.
Code Pink was permitted for across the street. The two sides were to stay separated, according to rules laid down by the city. But the city has a history of giving Code Pink special preference. The City Council gave free parking permits and a free noise permit to the radical group, which has helped fund terrorist families in Iraq with a $600,000 gift.

MAF Exeutive Director Catherine Moy attempted to get help from the Berkeley police as the mayhem unfolded, but an officer hung up on Moy. Moy asked the California Highway Patrol to help in the emergency, but the CHP refused.

“I have never in my life experienced such inaction in the face of an emergency, “Moy said. “I will ask the Federal Government to investigate, as well as the State Attorney General. It is one thing to give free parking places to the City Council’s special interest anti-war groups, it is another to take sides and endanger the lives of others.”
Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations will stand in support of the Marines all day Tuesday until they can enter the City Council chambers to address the City Council.


How do you fly a Clipper?
Wow. That sounds crazy. Thanks for the information, I'll be paying close attention. I can't believe this is even taking place. Cut all funding. Period.


Active Member
Well this BLOWS I have a career fair there tomorrow. OH it sounds so fun.
DAMMMMMN IT. Guess I should get a claim in now for my uniform replacement case I get SPIT ON AGAIN.

Berkeley Cops refuse to help Patriots under assault in MLK Park.
This just sent to us from Catherine Moy of Move America Forward:
Berkeley erupted in violence Tuesday morning when the Communist, terrorist-supporting anti-war group crossed into Martin Luther King Park and assaulted pro-troop individuals. Riot police stood by, but did not stop the assaults.

Police agencies did not respond to calls for help.

Move America Forward, the nation’s largest pro-troop organization, received permits from the City of Berkeley to hold a daylong demonstration in MLK park against the City Council who passed three outrageous resolutions calling U.S. Marines “unwanted intruders.”

“It is mayhem on here,” MAF communications director Danny Gonzalez said from the park early Tuesday morning.
Code Pink was permitted for across the street. The two sides were to stay separated, according to rules laid down by the city. But the city has a history of giving Code Pink special preference. The City Council gave free parking permits and a free noise permit to the radical group, which has helped fund terrorist families in Iraq with a $600,000 gift.

MAF Exeutive Director Catherine Moy attempted to get help from the Berkeley police as the mayhem unfolded, but an officer hung up on Moy. Moy asked the California Highway Patrol to help in the emergency, but the CHP refused.

“I have never in my life experienced such inaction in the face of an emergency, “Moy said. “I will ask the Federal Government to investigate, as well as the State Attorney General. It is one thing to give free parking places to the City Council’s special interest anti-war groups, it is another to take sides and endanger the lives of others.”
Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations will stand in support of the Marines all day Tuesday until they can enter the City Council chambers to address the City Council.


Kinder and Gentler
Well, if the Code Pinkers were indeed the instigators of violence, I guess that clears up my presumption that they were pacifists.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I guess they'll be validating your Callsign in another way! :) jk, I certainly hope you get in and out un-scathed.

-ea6bflyr ;)

Well this BLOWS I have a career fair there tomorrow. OH it sounds so fun.
DAMMMMMN IT. Guess I should get a claim in now for my uniform replacement case I get SPIT ON AGAIN.


Well-Known Member
Well, if the Code Pinkers were indeed the instigators of violence, I guess that clears up my presumption that they were pacifists.

Blah, pacifists are the worst kind of people.

They want to enjoy the benefits of the violence done on their behalf to secure their personal freedoms...

...but they try to take the moral high ground and decry those who secured them those freedoms in the first place.


New Member
Finally, the National News on this:

Berkeley Mulls New Vote on Marines

Published: 2/12/08, 7:45 PM EDT

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) - Officials in this liberal city may soften their anti-recruitment stance toward the U.S. Marines in the face of widespread criticism.
The Berkeley City Council drew a deluge of disapproval nationwide in January when it voted to advise the Marines that their downtown recruitment office was not welcome and that they would be considered "uninvited and unwelcome intruders" if they chose to stay.
On Tuesday, the council was scheduled to consider a second resolution put forward by two council members that would rescind the letter and draw a line between opposing the war in Iraq and "our respect and support for those serving in the armed forces."
The recruiting office opened in Berkeley in late 2006. It operated quietly until four months ago when the anti-war group Code Pink began holding regular protests.
Dozens of protesters demonstrated outside City Hall hours ahead of the debate.
Pro-troop group Move America Forward sponsored one rally, holding signs that said "Stop Bashing Our Boys." On the other side, anti-war group Code Pink held bouquets of flowers and waved signs saying "Peace Now" and "Bring Our Troops Home."
"This is very personal," said Lonnie Piet, of Sacramento, who joined Move America Forward's protest. Piet, whose son is a Marine, said he wants a personal apology from council members and Code Pink. "The Marines have the right to recruit anyone, anywhere," Piet said.
"We want to ask the Marines to not recruit in our community. The majority of citizens here are fervently against the war," said Code Pink protester Cynthia Papermaster, who has lived in Berkeley since 1965. "We're not against the Marines, but against what they're recruited to do."