Alumni versus non Alumni
LOL Almost sounds like a review site.
From the posts, this is what I gather: Both types of BGOs want to help, but they can only help in different ways.
It's like having a Physics teacher and an English teacher who like you. The first could give you, as a gift, a Physics book that is older than you are that is still being used at one of the top schools. The English teacher has access to some "common knowledge" that she could share, and could give you the only remaining copy of the her most favorite literary novel ever, or whatnot, but what does that help you if you want to become a Physics major, even if they are both doing their best to help you???
In the same way, a BGO Alumni WAS THERE and will probably call the admissions and make a case for candidates they like. A non Alumni will do his or her best to fill out the paperwork, but what they will really want is to help you in the Navy in general and have minor knowledge with the USNA, but have a lot of experiences, contacts, and information to get you into their own field in their own commission path--not the USNA.
And the Physics teacher will love it that you love physics, while the English teacher (the non-alumni) will think, "man, stop talking about physics like it's the only major that leads to a college degree! What, you think you're smart by taking Physics over English? Heck, there are more English majors than Physics majors! Etc.
(You can see how the parallels in my example just don't end!