I think the interview went very well.
He was an O-6 in the Navy, graduate from the USNA. He liked dogs. A lot. My dog gets very excited when new people come to the house, and she darted out of the kitchen and pretty much jumped on top of him. Good thing he loved dogs...a lot.
He would sometimes break up the interview and just talk about dogs randomly, which was kind of funny. Talking about his Labrador Retriever, and some other giant dog who weighed 200lbs or something.
Anyways, he showed the video about the USNA, then talked about the application process, and life at the USNA. He talked about the summer activities he did, and what you are able to do. He talked about AP classes, admissions, etc...all that kind of stuff, with my parents and I.
Then he took me to the other room and started writing notes. He saw my dog, and started talking about dogs again. He asked me stuff like what do I plan on majoring, what is my first choice of Naval career.
He talked about the rolling admissions thing the USNA does, and how High School students, College students, and prior enlisted compete in their own pool. I did not know college and high school students compete in their own pool. That was something I was glad to hear
He talked about NAPS, foundation, and the Free Agent thing with the prep schools.
As for what I wore...I just wore my USMC sweatshirt and jean shorts. I thought it was going to be casual, I thought he wouldn't care, and I was right. It was a very casual interview.
Definitely not getting into the USNA this year, but I think that's kind of fair since I was kind of wishy washy on the whole thing during High School, and was not sure throughout High School if I wanted to become a Naval officer. I didn't really know what I wanted to do during High School, and I didn't really care which was the worst part.
Other people who attend USNA directly out of high school wanted to be there before High School started for them. They've wanted it longer than me.
I'll be starting college this year, and I'm looking forward to a fresh start. Looking to get a 4.0 GPA in college. I think I'll be talking Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, and Engineering classes. Now I know what to do, so no more fucking around.
I think I'll go to a community college instead of a state school. Here in California the UC system gives priority to community college students instead of state school/other UC transfers. I'm not sure though. Maybe I'll go to a state school, maybe not.
Here is a link to the classes I'm looking at taking at community college (If I go):
I talked to the OSO again yesterday, and he said you need to be a full time college student with at least 12 semester units of classes. Those classes above definitely do go above and beyond the minimum requirements. He also said there is no obligation at all during PLC program, so if I were ever to reapply to USNA and get accepted into either USNA or NAPS I could go.
But I'm still 17. Not even legal to sign up for anything. I still have time
He was an O-6 in the Navy, graduate from the USNA. He liked dogs. A lot. My dog gets very excited when new people come to the house, and she darted out of the kitchen and pretty much jumped on top of him. Good thing he loved dogs...a lot.
He would sometimes break up the interview and just talk about dogs randomly, which was kind of funny. Talking about his Labrador Retriever, and some other giant dog who weighed 200lbs or something.
Anyways, he showed the video about the USNA, then talked about the application process, and life at the USNA. He talked about the summer activities he did, and what you are able to do. He talked about AP classes, admissions, etc...all that kind of stuff, with my parents and I.
Then he took me to the other room and started writing notes. He saw my dog, and started talking about dogs again. He asked me stuff like what do I plan on majoring, what is my first choice of Naval career.
He talked about the rolling admissions thing the USNA does, and how High School students, College students, and prior enlisted compete in their own pool. I did not know college and high school students compete in their own pool. That was something I was glad to hear

He talked about NAPS, foundation, and the Free Agent thing with the prep schools.
As for what I wore...I just wore my USMC sweatshirt and jean shorts. I thought it was going to be casual, I thought he wouldn't care, and I was right. It was a very casual interview.
Definitely not getting into the USNA this year, but I think that's kind of fair since I was kind of wishy washy on the whole thing during High School, and was not sure throughout High School if I wanted to become a Naval officer. I didn't really know what I wanted to do during High School, and I didn't really care which was the worst part.
Other people who attend USNA directly out of high school wanted to be there before High School started for them. They've wanted it longer than me.
I'll be starting college this year, and I'm looking forward to a fresh start. Looking to get a 4.0 GPA in college. I think I'll be talking Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, and Engineering classes. Now I know what to do, so no more fucking around.
I think I'll go to a community college instead of a state school. Here in California the UC system gives priority to community college students instead of state school/other UC transfers. I'm not sure though. Maybe I'll go to a state school, maybe not.
Here is a link to the classes I'm looking at taking at community college (If I go):
I talked to the OSO again yesterday, and he said you need to be a full time college student with at least 12 semester units of classes. Those classes above definitely do go above and beyond the minimum requirements. He also said there is no obligation at all during PLC program, so if I were ever to reapply to USNA and get accepted into either USNA or NAPS I could go.
But I'm still 17. Not even legal to sign up for anything. I still have time