This "flare" thing.. What is that?..
Some of my former P-3 Buds who were tryin' to flare the B747 for the first time?? When they 'arrived' at their normal 'P-3 Orion eyeball flare point' over the runway, the B747 had already landed some time prior (firmly would be an understatement) ...
Very jolly, especially w/ 400 passengers in the tube.
It seemed that the jet-jocks did better initially -- perhaps as we had no 'old habits' of which to rid ourselves?? I suppose there's something to be said for having spent years driving our mounts onto the runway/flight deck w/ little or no consideration for the finer points of arriving at some 'flare point'. Jet-types learned to 'flare' the big birds starting from a blank canvas.
Like you say; whatever this 'flare' thing is ...