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Blair admits Iraq a "disaster"


Well-Known Member
I'd like to hear your defense of a Naval Officer openly criticizing DOD or Executive branch policy WRT an ongoing war on a public forum.


Brett, do you think it's possible for a Naval Officer to argue left leaning politics on this forum (in a way that criticizes said policy/war) without breaching his/her responsibilities to their position in uniform?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Brett, do you think it's possible for a Naval Officer to argue left leaning politics on this forum (in a way that criticizes said policy/war) without breaching his/her responsibilities to their position in uniform?

Those are two distinct questions. You can certainly espouse liberal politics, but open criticism of the CinC, SecDef or their policies is at best bad form, and at worst a UCMJ violation.



Well-Known Member
Those are two distinct questions. You can certainly espouse liberal politics, but open criticism of the CinC, SecDef or their policies is at best bad form, and at worst a UCMJ violation.


For the sake of remedying ignorance, does that include ex-SecDefs?


Well-Known Member
Those are two distinct questions. You can certainly espouse liberal politics, but open criticism of the CinC, SecDef or their policies is at best bad form, and at worst a UCMJ violation.


kind of ironic the very constitution military officers swear to defend with their lives in some ways ceases to protect them upon their oath.

i'm sure that's been voiced and retorted in 1000 different ways, but interesting nonetheless, and not intended as a slight to any party in any way. correct it or fill in with context as you (meaning anyone) see fit...just calling a spade a spade, as I see it.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
kind of ironic the very constitution military officers swear to defend with their lives in some ways ceases to protect them upon their oath.

i'm sure that's been voiced and retorted in 1000 different ways, but interesting nonetheless, and not intended as a slight to any party in any way. correct it or fill in with context as you (meaning anyone) see fit...just calling a spade a spade, as I see it.

Yeah? You try criticizing your boss in public and see how long you stay employed. Same principle, just with the potential for harsher penalties. Freedom always carries with it responsibilities.



kind of ironic the very constitution military officers swear to defend with their lives in some ways ceases to protect them upon their oath.

Speech is far from the only right sacrificed in uniform...For a brief list...

Trial by jury, right to a speedy trial, all restricted search and seizure laws, Miranda rights, probable cause, habeus corpus, due process, bail...and this is just off the top of my head. We sacrifice so that others may enjoy...it is not a punchline, it is not an exaggeration. It would behoove anyone out there interested or pursuing this line of work to find a copy of the Constitution and really engage it. Read it, think about it...figure out just what it is that you are swearing an oath to do. Too many have no idea...and it shows. Not pointing fingers at anyone in particular...


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Speech is far from the only right sacrificed in uniform...For a brief list...

Trial by jury, right to a speedy trial, all restricted search and seizure laws, Miranda rights, probable cause, habeus corpus, due process, bail...and this is just off the top of my head.

Whoa dude. You're wrong on each and every one of those items you listed.



How is that? All of those rights exist at the discretion of the chain of command. For instance, there are no evidentiary requirements for a Captain's Mast (habeus corpus, search and seizure). There is no guarantee of a court martial at sea. I guess I should say that they are not guaranteed all the time.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
How is that? All of those rights exist at the discretion of the chain of command. For instance, there are no evidentiary requirements for a Captain's Mast (habeus corpus, search and seizure). There is no guarantee of a court martial at sea. I guess I should say that they are not guaranteed all the time.

The only exception is NJP while at sea, and even that can be appealed. Captains mast still has to abide by all the rules regarding probable cause, searches and some evidentiary rules. Any Legal Officer who knows what he's doing must act as though every NJP case will go to a Court Martial, because if it does and the rules haven't been followed, then the whole thing is screwed and the CO looks like a clown. Lets also keep in mind that the violations that end up at NJP are the most minor and least consequential offenses. Anything serious is going to go to CM where the full protection of applicable rules and procedure will be followed.

I hear people say the exact same thing you did - it's a common misconception. Military members essentially have the exact same rights as civilians. I would refer you to the MCM and JAGMAN for more scintillating details about our military justice system.



Super Moderator
Brett, do you think it's possible for a Naval Officer to argue left leaning politics on this forum (in a way that criticizes said policy/war) without breaching his/her responsibilities to their position in uniform?

I argue what some on this board would call 'left-leaning positions' all of the time while keeping in mind my responsibilities as a Naval Officer. I would argue they are the right, or correct positions, but that is a hard sell to some of the more rabid rightists here.......;)