Hummer NFO To Be Reckoned With
Ah, the pendulum continues to swing and those at the apogee (perigee? perihelion? apoplexy? sh*t, I don't know, I was a bull major) freak out as they see it coming and going. Okay, for what it's worth: Nearly an exact duplicate of that email was going around, oh, around my youngster year at the Chesapeake Killer Klown Kollege. They don't need pilots, no more jets, you're all going to die and there's dead dogs on the King Hall loading dock (the bit about the dogs actually turned out to be true, but that's another tale). Anyway, so we all figure there's no hope. By the time we graduated, oops, they cut too many slots and now there's pilot slots in plenty, and even us ac rocks got tickets for P'cola. Now, all this bizarreness with "undesignated" guys and grad school is new, but if you're really hard charging to go Navy Air and can't get a direct shot, take those extra chances. It keeps you in the hopper. I did two years in SWO purgatory the hard way, and here I am with my wings of gold (one more anchor than I originally planned, but it's all good). If you get shuffled off to the Raggedy-Assed Reserves, hey, you know what? You just got a million bucks' worth of free flight school with nearly no commitment and no long scenic trips to the Persian Gulf. Count yourself lucky and go fly a traffic copter or something. These hard times are scary for the seriously gungy, but most of you have only seen the tiniest little scrap of the Fleet and have no idea what it's really like out here. Navy Air is not divided into fighter guys and "other". That "The Right Stuff" crap died out years ago. You get what you get and 99% of you will love it. As for the "raising the bar" thing, you should be working your ass off in flight school no matter what - this is not a job you take for the cool jacket and the chicks. If it works out, it works out. If not, you're getting free job training and even the crappiest officer job in the Navy looks good on a civvie resume. My advice is concentrate on beating your next biggest alligator, be it the Hornet RAG, Primary or API or plebe Chemistry. There's no sense worrying about five alligators down if the one at your feet eats you.