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Registered User
On the topic of black boots, check out Ridge Air-Tac. It's the only tactical boot with an air heel. http://www.selfdefenseproducts.com/police/boots/8005.php


Registered User
A caveat on the Ridge Air Tac: I'm not certain they are authorized for OCS because of the air heel. I'm working to find that out and will post the results.


Marine Aviator
Or, you could just read part 3 of what I just posted. Do as ye please, as the Sgt. Inst. will say as he please.

(3) - Examples of boots which do not meet this criteria are lightweight hiking shoes/boots based on running shoe lasts or technology -

I'll give you twenty bucks if you got the balls to report with those boots.


Registered User
BigWorm: appreciated, but you have to look at the language closer. "lightweight...based on running shoe lasts or technology." I'm not certain that the Ridge Air Tac fits that description. Ridge claims that they are applicable for military use and I've contacted them via email to find out if they work for OCS. I will post their response on here, okay? Don't make me get the sledgehammer.


New Member
Why get so worked up over one pair of black boots? You only have eight months until you have to part with them anyway. I guarandamntee you that if you take them to OCS and get told not to wear them...you won't...if you know what's good for you.


Marine Aviator
They were probably using the term military loosely. The Air force wears some weird stuff. I’m coming off harsh because it’s written in plain language to me. Ask Crowbar if he’s ever seen anyone out there wearing crap like that. If you were in a unit that was heading off to Iraq, you could get away from the regs, but at OCS they won’t let you slip. The lightest boots I’ve seen people get away with are the bates lights jungles.
The next point, email your OSO and send the link to him. I would trust his word over selfdefenceproducts.com. What I’m looking at is the little air bubble and trying to vision a reaction. By all means, I could be wrong – if you’ve got money to burn bring two sets of boots, the worst case scenario would be an ass chewing and then your Air Force boots would go to the storage room with the rest of your civilian gear.


Registered User
I wasn't clear in my last post. What I meant was, could I bring a broken-in pair of MCCBs (assuming I can get ahold of a pair) I don't see why I wouldn't be able to, but I'd like to make sure before I buy boots I can't use.


Marine Aviator
All these questions are best directed to the OSO, part of their job is to make sure your prepared. But in attempts to answer it, you will have a wall locker and a foot locker to store your military gear in. All your civilian trash will be stored in a room that stays locked. Personally, I was a boot whore, I showed up with a set of Bates lites Jungles, issue jungles, and two pairs of Cadillac’s (the Vietnam style leathers). They were pretty specific with the way you display the boots, so a few pairs stayed in the shed with my civilian trash. You just have to develop the initial confidence to ask the instructors permission for the key to trade out a pair of boots.
Your line of thinking sounds pretty logical to me. There should be an issue sheet that states what was issued to you, if you had a pair issued, but forget to bring them for Srs then the expense will likely come out of your pocket. If you found a pair on ebay or something, I would bring them – worst case scenario they end up in the storage room. OCS is a lifetime experience, if you drop an extra few hundred on boots and socks you won’t feel to badly about it by the time you make it to TBS.
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