What I meant by my disgust was not for the mere fact that I do not agree with his policies, or his race, or his placement in the office he is holding. It is that the media and brainless individuals have put so much exaltation on the event and especially himself. Has he proven himself at all since he has been in? I'd say not, and from a militaristic standpoint, he has hesitated and faltered and not even listened to the commanders he placed. Is another president being sworn in in a world of many elected heads of state take such precedence over all other events captured on film this year? Sounds like too many have soaked up the media's praise of him, sounds like lunacy.
Please clarify for me, because the interweb is sometimes not the easiest or most convenient way to communicate certain ideas. When I read what you wrote, that I have excerpted above, here is what it sounded like to me:
Yes I am disgusted by that picture, for several reasons. First of all, I don't agree with the president's policies, I don't like African Americans, and I don't think that Barack Obama should be serving as my Commander in Chief. But most of all, I'm disgusted by the media's adoration of him and the fact that so many people have bought into it.
Is that about right? Because I think that most reasonably intelligent people with a decent understanding of the English language would read it the same way. If that is not what you meant to say (and I sure hope it wasn't), I recommend that you edit your post.