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Boston is still Retarded


Or maybe they just like blowing sh!t up..?

While details are sketchy right now, what’s known at this time (courtesy FOX 25, the only media outlet so far to actually dignify this stupidity with coverage) is that the bomb squad detonated a suspicious device in the financial district. The device turned out to be a traffic counter owned by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
Square box chained to post with two rubber hoses running across the road...

Yup, terrorist threat of I've ever seen one...(ignore the city of Boston on the side of it).



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
^^ Hey, those hoses could be made of det cord or conversely, we've now just shown the terrorists a brand new method for triggering their IEDs. :eek:

Famous last words: "Well, these Iraqis are fvcked up in nearly every respect imaginable, but I'll give them this, they sure seem interested in urban planning and traffic management."



Kick ass, take names, ask questions later
I agree with Brett. The media is constantly pointing out these type of things. As if we need to give the terrorists any more ideas that they haven't already come up with. Some things just don't need to be known.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I agree with Brett. The media is constantly pointing out these type of things. As if we need to give the terrorists any more ideas that they haven't already come up with. Some things just don't need to be known.

I don't know if I'd go that far. The terrorists aren't stupid and they certainly don't need us for inspiration or ingenious ways of carrying out their operations. The notion that we're giving the ideas is a bit naive.



is good to go
Why is this news even made public? I do not know, but I think the media needs to move on and quit instilling fear into American society.


Wait, you mean the news that our government is overreacting, and wasting our tax dollars?


Kick ass, take names, ask questions later
All I meant was that whenever I listen to the news and I hear a story like this they always mention something about terrorists or terrorism, it's such a broken record.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
I agree with Brett. The media is constantly pointing out these type of things. As if we need to give the terrorists any more ideas that they haven't already come up with. Some things just don't need to be known.

That's like saying Tom Clancy gave them the idea to fly planes into buildings . . .


is good to go
My thinking is that the job of the terrorist is to instill fear into American society. After 9/11 there have been no significant acts of terror made upon by Al-Qaeda threats on U.S. soil. If the terrorist are not doing their job then the media sure is. 6 years later the media still reiterates terror, by providing coverage on false bomb threats etc.... May I be excused from this thread? haha:confused:


I was following your regurgitation of the standard "motivation for terrorism" argument until you said...

6 years later the media still reiterates terror, by providing coverage on false bomb threats etc.... May I be excused from this thread?

How does a false bomb threat terrorize the American public? Interrupt? Yes. Annoy? Absolutely. Terrorize...not so much. Why the media insists on reporting this stuff, I have no idea...but then again, my opinions on this are well known...:)

:confused: Right back at ya...


My thinking is that the job of the terrorist is to instill fear into American society.

The goal of Islamic fundamentalists is to kill anything that they associate with western culture. Not to scare us. We can live with fear, we can manage fear and only by knowing what problems we face can we tackle them. Our goal should be to make the world safe for our children (but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex...)


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
but not our children's children, because I don't think children should be having sex...

That made me laugh, but I don't think I agree with your definition of what the terrorist's goals might be. I suspect I'm preaching to the choir here, but for other's sake, don't forget that the ultimate ends sought by al Qaeda or any number of similar organizations is a political one designed to elicit a change in US and/or Western government policy. The rhetoric from both sides contains convenient fallacies that don't represent the true reality of our situation. As is often the case when religion is the basis for belligerent action, the religious aspects are ancillary and subservient to the political aims of the movement's leaders. Jihad just becomes a convenient motivator and rallying cry to get indigent Muslims to do the bidding of people like UBL. With that in mind, the terrorists don't really expect a world-wide jihad and conversion to Islam under Sharia. They just want to apply pressure to the West to change policy. So, to that extent, fear, in and of itself, is a big part of the equation.
