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Boston is still Retarded


Well-Known Member
It's funny/curious how single events in history (like poor design/operator error at TMI unit 2) can change the entire course of future events WRT nuke power in the US. Interesting point, I was living in France when TMI went down and it was, to say the least, a media circus over there, but the validity of the French power grid never came into question. The genius of the French approach (attributable largely to 70s president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing), as opposed to the US, was to standardize their reactor design.


I think one of my favorite little French things to do so your population doesnt freak out about their own reactors was to invent some magic weather condition which extended only to their border keeping all the Radioactive dust from Cherynoble from actually affecting anyone in France..... Yeah sure guys the IAEA and every meteorological group on Earth really dropped the ball, good thing you guys caught that crap.


is good to go
Alternative fuels ay? I came across this article in the Sunday SF Chronicle.
"The algae beneath Harrison Dillon's microscope could one day fuel your car.
Dillon's Menlo Park company, Solazyme, has tweaked the algae's genes, turning the microscopic plant into an oil-producing machine. If everything works the way Dillon wants, vats of algae could create substitutes for diesel and crude oil."

But as many of have argued that this sort of technology may not be enough to sort out our problems as far as natural resources go.. But hey you never know.
These guys down in Silicon Valley may strike gold. Im gonna check up on their stock options haha. :D


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I think one of my favorite little French things to do so your population doesnt freak out about their own reactors was to invent some magic weather condition which extended only to their border keeping all the Radioactive dust from Cherynoble from actually affecting anyone in France..... Yeah sure guys the IAEA and every meteorological group on Earth really dropped the ball, good thing you guys caught that crap.

Care to share any details about that? Weather patterns would have to have been pretty out of whack to support radiation spread that far west.




Well-Known Member
Care to share any details about that? Weather patterns would have to have been pretty out of whack to support radiation spread that far west.




Professor Pierre Pellerin, who was the head of France's nuclear safety watchdog 20 years ago, has been formally accused of deliberately concealing the seriousness of contamination of parts of the French countryside from the French people.



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator

Professor Pierre Pellerin, who was the head of France's nuclear safety watchdog 20 years ago, has been formally accused of deliberately concealing the seriousness of contamination of parts of the French countryside from the French people.

While your graphic might "appear" more dramatic, I don't think it's quantifiably any different from mine. I doubt you'll be able to find anyone who says that France received significant or consequential amounts of radiation from the Chernobyl incident.



Registered User
Alternative fuels ay? I came across this article in the Sunday SF Chronicle.
"The algae beneath Harrison Dillon's microscope could one day fuel your car.
Dillon's Menlo Park company, Solazyme, has tweaked the algae's genes, turning the microscopic plant into an oil-producing machine. If everything works the way Dillon wants, vats of algae could create substitutes for diesel and crude oil."

But as many of have argued that this sort of technology may not be enough to sort out our problems as far as natural resources go.. But hey you never know.
These guys down in Silicon Valley may strike gold. Im gonna check up on their stock options haha. :D

I'm not exactly sure of the exact species of that algae (read I'm to lazy to really take a look), but I was working a lab my senior year where they were doing research into getting the gene pathway responsible for the creation of a particular hydrocarbon to transplant it... bottom line, the Algae grows WAY to slow to have any chance of being monetarily worth it. So those Silicon Valley guys can stare at that glass all they want but even if you enhance the production of the hydrocarbon in the algae you still can't produce it fast enough. (reason why you have to put it in a different host).


As a native of Massachusetts, this title should be "Bahston is still Retahded"

Come on now Fly...Bahston is still wicked-#$%^ing retahded...

I expected more from you...:D