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Burning questions about OCS, flight school and Navy life


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
The rent/buy thing is always a mixed bag. I know a lot of guys who bought in SoCal, then sold a year or two later and made $100K+ free and clear. I'm willing to bet that some guys who tried to do the same thing a couple years later are waking up this year to find that they've taken it in the shorts, big time. It's situationally dependent, and depends a lot on how real estate savvy you are, and sometimes on whether you have enough of a cushion built up to suck up not having renters and/or leaving a house empty while it's on the market.

An officer's pay will definitely keep you in the top half of the middle class. Single or married is a HUGE question, though I take a middle road on that one. Don't go for the first Pensacola hottie to catch your eye, but being the only confirmed bachelor field-grade in a squadron would be kind of weird, too. You will have the resources to either support a family in a decent, but not decadent lifestyle, or to be a fairly well-off bachelor. As with anything, it always comes down to priorities. To each his own--as long as he/she makes it work, I'm not a hater, either way.
hehe I'm already bugging my recruiter. Just got off the phone with him...he basically told me not to bother him. He'll let me know as soon as he knows...I need to go do some more pushups to get my mind off this...:icon_smil
Wide awake, but I don't think we'll find out today. Back to those 16 oz curls. I followed Kurtzie's 1 lb weight training regime and look how I changed in just 3 weeks!



Anybody know the proper form for curl ups? Do our shoulders need to touch the ground?

Feet flat, shoulder width apart, knees at about 90 degrees. Shoulder blades need to touch ground, arms on chest, elbows touch any part of your thigh is one.
I'll bet the webmaster is really on the SNA selection committee and he's just using this site to find dirt on potential and current pilots hehe....


Making Recruiting Great Again
I also like how AWs/NROTC has turned me into the biggest D-Bag ever. Maybe someday my d-baggery will match that of Single Seat and HALPilot, just maybe.


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
I'll bet the webmaster is really on the SNA selection committee and he's just using this site to find dirt on potential and current pilots hehe....
Hardly. Though I do send a monthly status update vetted by the moderators on questionable members that are seeking commissioning.
I, on the other hand, am 100% balls to the fvcking walls so let me ask this:

I was also just pro-rec'd SNA and am going to MEPS this Friday and will perform PRT later in the afternoon. My recruiter says he will know if I passed MEPS that same day. Assuming my bloodwork is clean (which it is), is the final select a given? Have there been any cases of anyone getting pro-rec'd, passing MEPS and PRT and not getting the final select? I ask this because I'd like to quit my job and travel before I start OCS, but I don't want to quit my job yet unless I'm reasonably guaranteed that I will definitely be a naval officer!:tongue2_1
Christmas gift ideas for son going to OCS

Hi guys,

My parents are asking me what I want for Christmas. I thought I might need some stuff for either OCS or for flight school/fleet. Any ideas?

Christmas gift ideas for son going to OCS

Hi guys,

My parents are asking me what I want for Christmas. I thought I might need some stuff for either OCS or for flight school/fleet. Any ideas?
