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California Seeking to Control It's Citizens A/C


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Yet another reason for me to get out of this state. However, I don't think it will really come into fruition. People generally don't pay much attention to things that do not affect them openly, such as water restrictors in showerheads, toilets that only use 1 gallon or new types of insulation and the like. This though will be a thing that people do notice and will be affected by, and will therefore get frustrated with it. I doubt it will be signed, at least I hope it doesn't. If it does, changing it out wouldn't be hard.


Solidly part of the 42%.
This is something that has been in use here in GA for quite sometime. Only it's not mandatory, it's administered by the customer owned power co-op, there's never an emergency period:)confused:), and they actually pay you a bonus to have it.

I guess we haven't been doing anything like California plans to do.:icon_smil


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't know.. Maybe removing all personal responsibility. And telling people how to raise their kids.

I'm not a socialist, so I'm not a fan.


Super Moderator
Oh, I don't know.. Maybe removing all personal responsibility. And telling people how to raise their kids.

I'm not a socialist, so I'm not a fan.

Personal responsibility for what? I might see your point on the smoking rule and maybe the bile one, but most of the rest are fine.


Well-Known Member
Well, the "street racing" one.. If a cop tickets you for it.. You lose car, 30 days.

Loss of property without a chance to defend oneself in court. The cops word is all that it takes for you to lose your stuff.


Registered User
I think the reason for the harsh streetracing laws now is because the public has had it with street racing and has been demanding the legislators crack down on it.

Just a few weeks ago in Scottsdale, Arizona, a street race occurred between a 42 year-old driving a Mercedes-Benz, and a 25 year-old with his girlfriend in a Mustang.

Unfortunately, up ahead, was an old man making a left turn, so he crossed their path, most likely because he looked and saw two cars way in the distance, thinking they were going normal speeds, unaware they were going at twice the normal speed and thus approaching much more quickly.

He was in a 70s Camaro and was also a former state legislator:eek:

Well they wiped out, his car was destroyed, his body thrown over 100 feet, and to top it all off, he was on the phone with his wife when the crash occured.

The Mustang and Mercedes were also severely damaged but both guys and the girl walked away okay.

Arizona already has tough laws for this I believe, and now that a former state legislator died they're only going to crack down harder in all areas of street racing.

I would imagine California, having a prominent car culture and a government that loves to regulate everything, is only too happy to copy this.


Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
A couple of months ago a mother and 2 kids were killed by a racer on the way to the doctors. The father drove by since it was outside of his park only to have the neighbors say "guess what?".

Im all for the street race one since it presents dangers to the innocent, the license plate things don't seem to work anyway, and the bike one is just stupid. For the smoking, I just don't see why the state just ban cigarettes entirely. It seems to be going that way. And Segways????


Registered User
In Arizona at least, they seem to be keeping the street racing punishments based according to personal responsibility. None of those feel-good, "They didn't mean it, they had bad parents, send them to counseling..." types of laws, but "You street race and kill someone and you get serious time in state prison" - type laws.

The California one seems a bit similar, street race and just get caught doing it and they take your car.

Now if Cali has laws saying you street race and kill someone and you get counseling or some feel-good thing, that would be wacky IMO.