Why do you have to bust the kids balls? He probably hasn't updated his profile since he selected (Congrats, by the way).
I was busting his balls because he hasn't updated his profile. Being that he's selected Harriers, congratulations.
Now look who's talking out his ass....
BTW, his nozzles were down, not forward. Huge difference. I was there as an IP when this happened.
Here's how the genesis of bad gouge happens: I came back from my first deployment, I looked up my buddy from TBS on the GAL, figuring he was done with the FRS by now. I see that he's an intel officer. I shoot him an email and ask him what happened, and he understandably doesn't want to talk about it. Fast forward a couple of months, and some buddies and I are having a barbecue. One of them (a former WSO) says "Did you hear about X", I respond "yeah, what happened", and our other buddy (a Harrier guy) says "it was a bunch of things that culminated in him trying to taxi with his nozzles forward." Not being a Harrier guy, I took it as being true. I apologize.
And you would know this how?
This happens ALL the time, right?
I don't know what Harrier guys do when they come home. Hence why I said "whatever training it is they do." No, thankfully things like Katrina don't happen all the time. However, 2 months after my first deployment we were in Haiti with Hueys (no Harriers/Hornets there), and 1 month after my second deployment we were in N.O. for Katrina with Shitters (again, no Harriers/Hornets). When you eliminate all the standard schools that the Wing supports (WTI, TACP, etc...) and just look at normal day-to-day frags, alot of them require us to be on the road (G-8 summit support, TBS Frags, etc...) whereas a good portion of the ones for Harriers/Hornets can be supported from their home base. It's just the nature of the beast because of our range. You can hardly refer to it as a "normal" life though. Nothing in the Marine Corps is normal.
Concur. But the candidate in question had a question about fixed wing pilots. Let's just let him ask it and move on.
I'm willing to move on. I stand by my assertion that I could probably answer just about any question this kid had (with the exception of what's it "feel like", in which case I'd be willing to bet that he'd be disappointed when he was put in touch with a C-130 guy). Becuase my job sucks and I have a lot of free time here, I am more than willing to talk to any candidate. And if he does ask the what's it feel like question - my response would be "I have no idea, I've got some buddies I can put you in touch with, but I can tell you that you'll love whatever you fly. You could be told to fly a dishwasher with wings, and by the end of it - you'll be proclaiming that dishwasher is the best damn thing in the world to fly."
Why does EVERY SINGLE Phrog pilot have this exact same story? I'm just curious.
From personal observation both in real life and on this site, it would appear that 90% of candidates and TBS 2ndLts want jets. 99% of Phrog guys say they've wanted Phrogs since OCS. You do the math.
I guess I'm part of the 1%. I won't lie - I wanted Harriers in TBS. Right around FAM 3, I told my on-wing that I was seriously considering helos. He sent me to South Field to link up with a buddy of his who was FCF'ing that day, and I got a ride. Came back with a huge grin that couldn't be wiped off my face to this day.
As for the guy that put Space Shuttle, SR-71, Helos on his selection card? He surprised us too. As long as I knew him (API), he said he wanted Phrogs. Come selection time, he picked Cobras...
Oh, and lighten up Francis.
Don't call me Francis.