This outage wasn't that bad. Given that the power went out the day that I arrived, which was on the 24th. Luckily, we got it back sooner than was predicted on the evening of the 26th. The heat and internet didn't come back until last night, atleast for my side of the graves hall. I was able to take one shower though the whole ordeal because the water was actually warm enough for a good 15 min shower. The student staff was told that there was a possibility of receiving BAH for a few days while the power situation was fixed but when it came down to it, we were just issues cold weather gear.
To make things worse, there was also talk of shutting off the water for a good while but thankfully, that never happened. I suppose It was a good way to start off my days at TBS, good practice for what is to come. Anyway, its all over now and things are as they should be. I can't wait to start IFS on the 6th and hope nothing else goes wrong.