I finished up all of my final exams today! I didn't do as well as I had hoped, I had an accounting class that really brought my GPA down. I am going to take it again next semester for a grade replacement. My question is, when applying for BDCP do they take other things into consideration when looking at your GPA? If I do the grade replacement the grade I have now will still show up on my transcript but will not count towards my GPA.
Somebody might know for sure, but to my understanding they take a fine tooth comb to your transcript to see how you came to be, look for trends (be they good or bad), and if you can handle being in BDCP. I mean, you can be an enigineering major and have a transcript full of junk classes. Then as soon as you get your first tough schedule under BDCP, you are under a 2.7 and on academic probation. BDCP is great but all bets are off if you get under a 2.7 for any term. You basically want to guard against bad trends.
In my situation, doing the grade replacement is a bad idea. I mean,
I wouldn't do it because
I go to private college and if
I screw around and forget to take a class or do poorly, I
must wait until next year and run risk of breaching my BDCP contract over 3 credit hours. If you can get away with it, fine. I just don't know how to explain botching a class to my NRD.