Exhibit 2: Email to author of story:
"ADM Fallon was never a "fighter pilot" - he was a Naval Flight Officer
(NFO), and originated in the attack community. He may have "flown in
fighters" during DS1, but he certainly never "flew fighters". It may
seem like a minor point, but illustrates a significant lack of
understanding on your part of a fundamental fact concerning ADM
Fallon's background and experience. Such a misunderstanding only adds
to an informed audience's concern that other aspects of your story may
not be factually correct. You or your fact checkers should show more
diligence, rather than relaying on other's incorrect summations."
Exhibit 3: Response from author:
"Thank you for your note. I was told by several people close to Fallon
that he flew the jets and had even maintained his flying qualifications
very recently. But given your note I will definitely look into this
further and issue a correction if necessary."
Exhibit 4: In today's Post's "Corrections" section:
"A Jan. 14 profile of Adm. William J. Fallon incorrectly described him as a pilot. He is a naval flight officer, which means that he is aboard aircraft carrying out navigation and targeting, and firing weapons, but not piloting."