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canada celebrates 20 years of hornets


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty sweet paint job...although if it's like any other jets I've seen with cool paint jobs, it's probably the biggest POS on the line.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
It's really too bad they've committed (without an extensive cost/benefit analysis, apparently) to buy 65 F-35As @ $125MM+ each when they could have had a fairly seamless transition to F-18E/Fs @ $50MM each plus the cost of engines. I love the Canucks, but they're never going to go to downtown Beijing or Vladivostok anyway - not that an F-18E/F w/ jamming support couldn't do it anyway.


I enjoyed shooting down their CF-18's and drinking with their pilots @ CFB Cold Lake in the early '80s ...

They were good boys and very good sticks -- and they thought their politicians sucked. Big mistake for them to switch to the F-35, but then, we did say their politicians sucked, did we not ??? :)


Apprentice School Principal
It's really too bad they've committed (without an extensive cost/benefit analysis, apparently) to buy 65 F-35As @ $125MM+ each when they could have had a fairly seamless transition to F-18E/Fs @ $50MM+ each plus the cost of engines. I love the Canucks, but they're never going to go to downtown Beijing or Vladivostok anyway - not that an F-18E/F w/ jamming support couldn't do it anyway.

I think it has more to do with a 'keeping up with the Jones'" than anything else. Canada's two closest partners, the U.S. and U.K., are both buying the JSF; why should they settle for 'second best'? If they want to be seen as a front line military, then they need to have top-of-the-line equipment.

Besides, why would any service advocate for buying an older technology when they can ask for the shiny, new gucci-gear???
It's not like fiscal prudence has ever entered into the equation when discussing the acquisition strategies of either the U.S. Navy or Air Force...


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
Oh, you're right. I would still like to see a 1 v.1 Super Hornet+ against an F-35. In the air-to-air role the Super Hornet+ (w/ the new GE F414EPE engines) might likely be superior to the F-35, which IMHO was optimized for the air-to--mud role.


Cereal Killer

Heheh, I sailed with some Aussie jet jock type in a regatta a while back with a buddy who... well, who the fuck cares, not important to the story.

In Australia a "Growler" is what a lady owns when she seems to have forgotten to shave her bush for a few years. "You guys call it the growler? Really mate?! Let me clue you in to what a growler is back home..."
