That is a downside. You get thrown right into that command part of it quickly. But then that's the point, you got some experience so they give the E-3.
I failed the Spaatz exam the first time. Then again, I don't hardly know of anybody that passed it the first time, but got it the second time around (didn't even want the pressure of 3rd try or nothing). #1320 is what I got. I kept myself very busy. NCC, NCAC, IACE (definitely the most fun), GT, 7 encampments on staff (5 of those were the CO Wing encampments at USAFA, those were alot of fun too). Plus all the usually squadron stuff. I ran track in high school which didn't occupy me too much. But all the big time commitements were during the summer, so that made it easy to juggle a couple things.
I'm still close friends with a bunch of people in CAP (one of my buddies is flying C-17's down in McChord, small world). All in all, I wouldn't trade those times for anything.