Thanks for the help fellas.
From what I've read, I might as well enjoy the ride. Seems to me like I could try to get IFT done while on casual, report to Pensacola as early at 60 days before my RNLT date (correct?), and then hurry up and wait for API and a class start date.
I guess I can't complain too much. A couple of my AF buddies commission June 06 and don't start UPT (pilot training) until Aug 07.
And the profile has been changed to correctly reflect my status as a wso-SELECT.
From what I've read, I might as well enjoy the ride. Seems to me like I could try to get IFT done while on casual, report to Pensacola as early at 60 days before my RNLT date (correct?), and then hurry up and wait for API and a class start date.
I guess I can't complain too much. A couple of my AF buddies commission June 06 and don't start UPT (pilot training) until Aug 07.
And the profile has been changed to correctly reflect my status as a wso-SELECT.