Yes you are missing a clue and talking out your A$$$. I understand you are not in this environment and you like causing trouble. I am one of the top OR's in the Nation. With a high select record to applicants put up it is called QUALITY I have over a 95% selection rate to kit sent in and I am over 40 kits this year. I don't put in junk application or shoot for a number I turn away folks with High OARs that cannot chew gum and walk at the same time. I look at each individual as if I want to work for them if I was an E-1 E-5 E-7 Or E-8 AGAIN. If the answer is NO I make them motivate themselves to convience me I should help them. If an applicant comes to me they know if they will be selected or not and if they are not in the case of many BDCP folks I want to explain why. NOW A DIVISION ONE ATHLETE who all but ACES the ASTB and is an honor students should not be turned down. THE BDCP PROGRAM WAS MADE FOR DIVERSTIY REASONS and the PA states the same and It is taught that in OR school. I have the litterature and understand the program very well. As far as cruising the stats no one list race or ethnic on here. I may be the active duty old salt on here and for those of you not knowing that term figure it out. Do not doubt my concern for the applicants or the dislike for the stupid sytem we use to get officers in the NAVY. My conclusions are not outlandish at all and are based on FACT over the last 9 BDCP Boards for Pilot. Your ignorance and disrespect on here to me and many other folks seeking info guidance and help is often over the top and uncalled for. So if you need to call me out use the PM function look up my email or just say nothing when you know nothing. Stay in your pay grade and in your area of expertise not mine.I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something (probably not), but the very fact that you're asking this question makes me wonder if "your" applicants might not be better served by someone else. To extrapolate your own experience of three applicants, then draw pretty outlandish conclusions about the program as a whole, makes me wonder about your competence. BTW, BDCP is not a diversity program - you're probably thinking of BOOST.
WHEN you speculate as you often do about an environment you don't belong you prove to be CLUELESS