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Cecil Field vs. Oceana


New Member
Can anyone clue me into their preference of Cecil or Oceana? I watched this part of the BRAC hearings pretty closely, A. because I am a huge geek, and B. because I might end up living wherever they decide to put the planes. So, I saw a lot of conflicting claims about airspace, lighting, safety, etc. Any guys w/ experience have a preference? Who likes Jacksonville over VA Beach? In short, where would you rather be?


Well-Known Member
This got into a pretty good topic on another board. Seems a lot of the guys that remember Cecil and Jacksonville NAS "back in the day" loved the place.

The one thing Im really sure on after living in FL is the differnce in Cost of Living. Florida aint cheap but its a lot easier then VA.


At the RAG
The guys that I have talked to would love to go back to Cecil. The community here in Va Beach constanly complains about jet noise and encroachment.


Super Moderator
I lived and flew out Jax for nearly 4 years and now I'm doing both from Norfolk. I would kill to go back to Jax. Just about every reason possible would explain why I want to go there. Cheaper cost of living, better real estate market/selection, better wx, less congested airspace than Norfolk, great facilities, locals in Jax support the Navy, better drivers... I could go on for a while. I have not found a person who has done a tour in Jax not admit to wanting to go back again. Not everyone says that about the Norfolk area.


Well-Known Member
The guys that I have talked to would love to go back to Cecil. The community here in Va Beach constanly complains about jet noise and encroachment.

Im pretty sure you could build an airport on Mars, and some idiot would build a house next to it and whine about the noise.


Bottom of the barrel
Mayor pulls plug on Cecil Field lobbying

By GREGORY PIATT, The Times-Union

Mayor John Peyton announced today that he has told Gov. Jeb Bush, Jacksonville's congressional delegation and the Base Closure and Realignment Commission that he will halt efforts to return Cecil Field to its former status as a naval air station.

Sorry guys, but looks like the Cecil plan is dying.


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Mefesto said:
It ain't gonna happen. The Admiral's board at Tailhook in Reno last month specifically said "We can NOT move from Oceana to Cecil without significantley limiting capability... it's just not feasible..."

We couldn't close Vieques without limiting capability. Sh!t happens...

(I don't see it happening either though, as much as Cecil would kick a$$)


Smoke On!
Im pretty sure you could build an airport on Mars, and some idiot would build a house next to it and whine about the noise.

god isnt that the truth. if its got wings, the will say its an eye sore. i hate complainers! and when they close ariports......oooo dont get me started.


NAS Mirama:D


Rhino WSO
These people that moved into an area with military jets knowing DAMN good and well that there were military jet operations going on and then complaining!!! They should move the hell out!!! The military base was there before a majority of the WHINERS moved in. If you do not like the noise (no matter where you are at) GET THE HELL OUT!!!!


Support at Oceana really sucks, it is amazing that people dont understand that an airbase has jets with jet engines that make noise, but the area isnt that bad. I was stationed at Norfolk but lived in Va Beach and always went to Oceana for the NEX. I have never been anywhere else so I really cant give any other opinions


Well-Known Member
Support at Oceana really sucks, it is amazing that people dont understand that an airbase has jets with jet engines that make noise, but the area isnt that bad. I was stationed at Norfolk but lived in Va Beach and always went to Oceana for the NEX. I have never been anywhere else so I really cant give any other opinions

Oh Believe me, its everywhere. Hell there are people (granted a very small number)in Melbourne Florida that want the Cape moved somewhere else because the Rockets are too loud. Whats that, once maybe twice ever month tops. The only time any community seems to love having a military base nearby is when the BRAC starts up and they realize all the revenue they would loose. You should have seen Fairborn and Dayton Ohio scrambling like mad to keep Wright Patt Open. Hell even the Italians *****ed about us when I was growing up in San Vito, and we didnt even have an Airbase. They were just pissed that we had this little listening post in a good area to grow Artichokes.


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
These people that moved into an area with military jets knowing DAMN good and well that there were military jet operations going on and then complaining!!! They should move the hell out!!! The military base was there before a majority of the WHINERS moved in. If you do not like the noise (no matter where you are at) GET THE HELL OUT!!!!

This has been beaten to death on the board a few times already.

The people complaining are a small and very vocal minority. And they don't get it. They never will. They don't care about jobs, national security, needs of the Navy, etc.

All they want is their houses on the coast sans jet noise. And everyone should jump through hoops to accomodate them.

Lesson learned? If you don't like something, b!tch about it endlessly until your opposition just gives up to shut you up.:icon_rage


Registered User
I dont understand the "encroachment" problem... What difference does it make to the Navy if there are neighborhoods built up right next to the base? How does that interfere with whats happening on the base?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
I dont understand the "encroachment" problem... What difference does it make to the Navy if there are neighborhoods built up right next to the base? How does that interfere with whats happening on the base?

Two words: Noise Abatement