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Cecil Field vs. Oceana


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
I dont understand the "encroachment" problem... What difference does it make to the Navy if there are neighborhoods built up right next to the base? How does that interfere with whats happening on the base?
Its dangerous. Noise aside, there's a legitimate safety concern about having higher population density in an area where a mishap is more likely to occur.

How would it look when a Super Hornet slams into someone's house? How would it look if someone's kid got killed in the process? These are avoidable accidents.

We know where the most likely crash zones are and so the Navy wants to discourage people from building things there.

Look up "AICUZ" or "Accident Potential Zones" on google.

How can the local city/county/whatever force the Navy to reduce noise? I dont see how they have any authority to do that...
Easy, they b!tch and b!tch and b!tch some more. They go to the media. They go to congress. They complain endlessly until they get their way. The Navy eventually has to capitulate and reduce the noise on the base.

Why? Because ultimately the Navy works for them.


Registered User
I can think of tons of examples of how high population density has not affected other jet bases, but ok. I just think that the Navy should put their foot down and tell locals that they're idiots for moving there knowing full well that there was a jet base next door, and complain anyway. Just tell them to F-Off. j/k


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I can think of tons of examples of how high population density has not affected other jet bases, but ok. I just think that the Navy should put their foot down and tell locals that they're idiots for moving there knowing full well that there was a jet base next door, and complain anyway. Just tell them to F-Off. j/k
Ahh, what a utopia that would be.:D


Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
How can the local city/county/whatever force the Navy to reduce noise? I dont see how they have any authority to do that...

Because this isn't the Cold War anymore, the military doesn't have the kind of "carte blanche" authority that it kind of used to have. Welcome to the new USA.


Registered User
The people complaining are a small and very vocal minority. And they don't get it. They never will. They don't care about jobs, national security, needs of the Navy, etc.

They don't get it? Then why are so many of them retired Naval Aviators or retired aircraft maintainers? Most of them were brought here by Oceana & now that their time is done, they want to just live in some kind of utopia where the military doesn't fly!

The people here are idiots, you can go down to Cherry Point MCAS where they're fighting for our Superhornets (COL is real low there, you can get a waterfront double wide for $70K... :icon_tong ) & the Scarriers don't phase 'em.

As far as someone said, the Navy is putting their foot down but unfortunately it doesn't resound w/ much thud.


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Because this isn't the Cold War anymore, the military doesn't have the kind of "carte blanche" authority that it kind of used to have. Welcome to the new USA.

It's funny... the whiny b!tches who wonder why terrorists aren't afraid to attack us, why we have 'intelligence failures', why our boys in the field don't have armor...

They're the same little b!tches who cry and p!ss and moan about our military making jet noise, who sob about 'racial profiling' every time the FBI tries to track suspected al-Qaeda members, who protest the Navy using sonar cause it might beach a f#cking porpoise...

But it's all good. They hang a flag on their house and slap a 'support our troops' sticker on their SUV.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
I dont' think the citizens concerned against jet noise morons around Oceana have all that much pull. The whole Oceana vs Cecil is a political big money deal covered up by talk about environment and safety. Now the whole situation is a CF of the highest caliber. Virginia Beach has to spend a huge amount of taxpayers money to buyout homes/businesses. Jax doesn't want it. This BRAC crap is becoming law next month, and there is no real plan. BRAC has also pretty much disbanded and the former chairman is not available for comment, although he makes statements that he stands behind what the BRAC decided on the issue. Just a mess...........

The Chief

BRAC looks politics straight in the eye, does a belly flop, and decides to "study" NAS Oceana again for at least one more year. Part and parcel of the BRAC language asks VA State and VAB Local officials to do exactly what they said they would do to keep NAS Oceana in 1993, which of course they failed to do.

I guess Politics does reign.



Living in Jax, we get to vote on the Cecil thing here next week. One side says, "Support Navy pilots, reopen Cecil Field," the other side says, "Jobs will be lost, and the Navy doesn't want Cecil back anyway."

I'm curious about this stuff...what effect is a vote going to have, anyway? If the Navy wants Cecil back, does it even need voter permission?

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Living in Jax, we get to vote on the Cecil thing here next week. One side says, "Support Navy pilots, reopen Cecil Field," the other side says, "Jobs will be lost, and the Navy doesn't want Cecil back anyway."

How will jobs be lost? If anything, jobs will increase.


damn homeowners' associations
The civilians who currently conduct business there.

At the "thriving" business park there. Not quite thriving according to the Times Union's article a few weeks ago. And I think my favorite part of the commercials against reopening it are that the Navy would get it back for free. FREE!!! Oh the travesty. Wow, like the Navy charged Jacksonville when they left.


New Member
At the "thriving" business park there. Not quite thriving according to the Times Union's article a few weeks ago. And I think my favorite part of the commercials against reopening it are that the Navy would get it back for free. FREE!!! Oh the travesty. Wow, like the Navy charged Jacksonville when they left.

Nope but they left a nice Superfund site to clean up. As well as the leaking fuel pipe from NAS Jax to Cecil that goes under 103rd street and has to be closely monitored for leaks even though it has been shut down.