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Chances for a Commission


New Member
Hi All -

I realize this type of post has been posted numerous times, but it's nice to get an overall feel while I wait for the recruiter to call me back. I'm applying for an SNFO slot since my eyes aren't good enough for SNA.

My background:
Bachelor's degree - Accounting (Temple University; 3.0 GPA)
Working full time as a management consultant (business consultant, audit, etc)
6'2", 205 lbs; solid shape (crossfit, etc)
Clean criminal/financial record (was in consideration for Secret Service, but I pulled out)

Medical (I did my homework):
  • Took medication for ADHD up until my sophomore year of college. I haven't taken in over a year. Doc signed off that I don't need meds to function anymore. Probably misdiagnosed at an early age.
  • Partially torn labrum in right shoulder (no dislocation) at 17 yrs old. Doc recommended PT, no surgery. Did PT and haven't had problems since. Full range of motion and like I said above I crossfit 5 times per week and lift heavy things over my head.
  • Eyes. Correctable to 20/20. No restriction uncorrected for NFO. I'm also below the +/- 8.00 refraction limit.
Did not take the ASTB as of yet since I'm still waiting for a call back after I put in numerous calls the last two weeks.

How do I look? Thanks in advance.
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Well-Known Member
Generally we hate "what are" questions, I will tell you in general they (USN medical) will want to see you off meds for 3 years.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Hi All -

I realize this type of post has been posted numerous times, but it's nice to get an overall feel while I wait for the recruiter to call me back. I'm applying for an SNFO slot since my eyes aren't good enough for SNA.

My background:
...was in consideration for Secret Service, but I pulled out.

Medical (I did my homework):
  • Took medication for ADHD up until my sophomore year of college. I haven't taken in over a year. Doc signed off that I don't need meds to function anymore. Probably misdiagnosed at an early age.
How do I look? Thanks in advance.
Why did you pull out of the SS option? You will be asked this question again..

Roger what NavyOffRec says about the meds.

Your degree emphasis sounds well-suited to SUPPO. Have you considered that? It's a big Navy...


New Member
Why did you pull out of the SS option? You will be asked this question again..

Roger what NavyOffRec says about the meds.

Your degree emphasis sounds well-suited to SUPPO. Have you considered that? It's a big Navy...

Only reasoning for pulling out of SS was because if I were to get eye surgery, the recovery time wouldn't fall within the application period so I would be dropped down the road.

Even though the guidelines say >1 year, they're pull the plug because it wasn't >3?

I've considered it, but my dream was always to fly, but back then the eye requirements were more strict so I put down the dream of being a military aviator and went the business route.

Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Only reasoning for pulling out of SS was because if I were to get eye surgery, the recovery time wouldn't fall within the application period so I would be dropped down the road.

Even though the guidelines say >1 year, they're pull the plug because it wasn't >3?

I've considered it, but my dream was always to fly, but back then the eye requirements were more strict so I put down the dream of being a military aviator and went the business route.
Good info…thanks. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Only reasoning for pulling out of SS was because if I were to get eye surgery, the recovery time wouldn't fall within the application period so I would be dropped down the road.

Even though the guidelines say >1 year, they're pull the plug because it wasn't >3?

I've considered it, but my dream was always to fly, but back then the eye requirements were more strict so I put down the dream of being a military aviator and went the business route.

It used to be one year, there are many factors involved but they have been going to a 3 year wait.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. So you're basically saying my odds of getting accepted are shot?

They may be delayed, you will need to have all medical records covering diagnosis and treatment from start to finish, all transcripts so they can see any drop in grades after going off treatment, and if your grades dropped after stopping meds then you are pretty much done.

They will evaluate all and if it all looks ok very well might say resubmit on a certain date.

Basically don't pass up on any jobs as this is probably not going to be a quick thing.


New Member
They may be delayed, you will need to have all medical records covering diagnosis and treatment from start to finish, all transcripts so they can see any drop in grades after going off treatment, and if your grades dropped after stopping meds then you are pretty much done.

They will evaluate all and if it all looks ok very well might say resubmit on a certain date.

Basically don't pass up on any jobs as this is probably not going to be a quick thing.

Got it. Appreciate the help.


Active Member
Push to go through MEPs before you do all the hard work. My MEPS doc would DQ you based on ADHD past age 16.
Submit your college transcripts to MEPS (as long as they do not show a decrease in grades once off the medication) and write a handwritten statement stating your grades maintained (or increased) when you were off meds. Good luck - MEPS docs tend to be their own animal.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Good luck - MEPS docs tend to be their own animal.
^^^ This. That is why it is best to take a shot and see if it is a problem, and if so, what it will take to qual. Some doc may let it through to BUMED and another not let it get past him. Good Luck.


New Member
Spoke to the NRO today. She laughed when I told her I was an Accounting grad looking to become an NFO, which kind of grew the chip on my shoulder. But in any event, I laid it all down to her. I basically told her "Look, I have X, X, and X. I don't want to waste anyone's time." She told me for ADHD they're going to want to see records and I'll need a waiver. For the shoulder they're going to want to know I can do push-ups, but even then they may say I'm limited in the event of something catastrophic like pulling out a comrade from a plane during a crash. Understandable. I'm not in it to put anyone's life at risk.

She told me she would submit my info to her medical liaison and get back to me either way.

So now we wait......


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Spoke to the NRO today. She laughed when I told her I was an Accounting grad looking to become an NFO, which kind of grew the chip on my shoulder....
Was it a sneering, or a joking laugh... big difference, An accounting degree should not be a negative factor in an SNA, SNFO or SWO application. Many accounting majors are winged NAs/NFOs/SWOs, and are, or have enjoyed great success in all communities in the fleet. It would only be a negative if you were applying for specialty communities, i.e. Intel, CEC, MSC, and later on TPS, etc.:)

Don't let ANY one person discourage you from abandoning your application for any program you are qualified (physically, test scores, etc.), to pursue. Remember, it's YOUR life and career, not theirs!;)


New Member
Was it a sneering, or a joking laugh... big difference, An accounting degree should not be a negative factor in an SNA, SNFO or SWO application. Many accounting majors are winged NAs/NFOs/SWOs, and are, or have enjoyed great success in all communities in the fleet. It would only be a negative if you were applying for specialty communities, i.e. Intel, CEC, MSC, and later on TPS, etc.:)

Don't let ANY one person discourage you from abandoning your application for any program you are qualified (physically, test scores, etc.), to pursue. Remember, it's YOUR life and career, not theirs!;)

It was a "So you're an accounting major looking to be an NFO...right. Haha" kind of thing. But I won't dwell on that. It was just a side note.

I appreciate the encouragement!:)