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Thats crazy. Would a candidate have better odds if they chose a school with $8000 tuition, even if the app process was completed late?

I can't answer for a board. But I do know that if you are up against someone who is equal in all senses except for your top three they go like this:

1) USD (40K/yr)
2) UC Boulder (35k/yr)
3) Univ. of Notre Dame (41k/yr)

and that other guy goes

1) USD
2) UC Boulder
3) State U (instate) (11k/yr)

The other guy is more likely to get his 3rd choice...and you don't get the scholoarship. All other things being equal.

Again, when I got my scholarship, I was waitlisted...and I think it's only because I had a cheap out-of-state school as my #1 and there isn't an NROTC unit in the state of Maryland....


Registered User
Maybe thats why I got one even though it was so late. . . VMI is only around $5,000 tuition in state. It was my first choice also.


Registered User
Would applying for an AROTC scholarship hurt my chances for NROTC?

Would they reject me, in hopes I do Army?


Next guy to ask about thumbdrives gets shot.
Would applying for an AROTC scholarship hurt my chances for NROTC?

Would they reject me, in hopes I do Army?

Applying for both is not going to affect your chances of getting picked up. You could end up having to choose between scholarships if both extend offers.

The Navy/Army/Air Force don't care if you apply for other programs, I don't even think they share that data. I had friends apply for all three coming out of high school.


The Navy/Army/Air Force don't care if you apply for other programs, I don't even think they share that data. I had friends apply for all three coming out of high school.

Yeah, I agree. I don't think they talk to each other regarding that stuff. I know plenty of people who got offers from multiple services.


Registered User
It was just last year. I finished up everything around Christmas, and heard back in April. A week or so before I found out, my coordinator told me there were only 2 board left, one had met already but the results weren't out yet, and the next one was meeting next week. So either the second to last, or last board chose me.


Registered User
Nice. Sorry i accidently reposted... forgot about page two :icon_tong . That gives me some hope though so I wont stress so much over my recruiter not getting back to me. THanks! Are you looking to go into aviation or what?


Registered User
While the deadline for the app is not anytime soon, the boards are starting up in a couple weeks. And it's always a good idea to have your stuff done and in as early as possible, giving you more chances to get picked up.


Registered User
Yep, I'm hoping to become a NA. I suggest you don't worry about your coordinator not getting back to you too much.

My relationship with him went kinda like this:

I started the application. He emailed me saying to finish up ASAP so I can have a better chance. I finished the online app. in a week afterwards. He emailed me saying he was gonna send me a bunch of papers to fill out and sign and a package to mail everything back to him. Soon after I got the package and mailed all his papers and my reccomendations. I did my interview a couple weeks later it was right before Christmas and he said after the holiday break was over he'd get his commander to sign off on the application and send it to the national review board. After a couple weeks my online status changed to something like your application was recieved. It changed once more to something that stated the same thing, that they got everythign and its being processed. Finally in April my online status changed and I got the scholarship, I also got the letter in the mail with all the papers about Dodmerb and stuff like a week later. My coordinator never called me to tell me I received it even though he said he would when I talked to him earlier. Basically those guys are busy with hundreds off applications but they will do their best to help you. I do remember having to call him many times before I got ahold of him to do my interview, same with calling to find out when the boards would last meet. Be persistant but don't get carried away like emailing him everyday about the same question.


Victory is mine
I had my package in by late october and received the scholarship in early January of this year. Turn in the application and get the interview/package material done as soon as possible. You will have a greater chance of receiving the scholarship as more boards will have reviewed your application.

I also applied to USNA and for an AFROTC scholarship, which I eventually received. Though I chose the NROTC scholarship, the application does ask if you are applying to any other commissioning programs. However, applying to multiple doesn't hurt your chances; if anything it helps you.

It's a long process just apply and see what happens.